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: '''LYNCH'''
: '''LYNCH'''
: Ah, $NMHow did Captain Seelig react to my chastisement?
: I understand from my contacts on Siva that you've not delivered those weapons yet.   
: I did inform you that it was late already.  What's the delay?

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Actually, I haven't taken him the message yet.
: I do have other business to attend to, Lynch.

: '''LYNCH'''
: '''MIGGS'''
: I must admit, I'm surprised.
: Other business?  You want I should help him priority-wise, Mr. Lynch?  
: I suppose you're not as curious regarding the artifact as I had thought.
: '''PLAYER'''
: You suppose wrongI just got...delayed.  Trust me...
: ...I'll scour the nav points in the Pentonville system, find the Hooded Hawk...
: ...and tell Captain Seelig just how disappointed you are with him.  

: '''LYNCH'''
: '''LYNCH'''
: I hope soUnless you succeed, I fear I'll be quite incapable of helping you.
: Not now, Miggs$CS, when you fly for me, MINE is the only business that matters. 
: However, I'll overlook this if you move immediately. 
: Deliver the weapons to the agricultural planet Siva in Rikel. 
: Afterwards, return here for your payment of 15,000 credits.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Or quite unwilling.    
: Fine...but I'll want info on the artifact when I get back, Lynch.    

: '''LYNCH'''
: '''LYNCH'''
: Either way, neither of us profits.  Remember that.
: Rest assured, you will have it.


Revision as of 02:47, 4 February 2023

Roman Lynch - Mission B
MM - PRIV - Roman Lynch B.png
Date 2669
Type Cargo Mission
Jumps 3 (New Constantinople, 44-P-1M, Rikel)
Payment 15,000 credits
Objectives Go to Rikel, Nav 3

Deliver cargo to Siva

Cargo Mission Cargo (10)

Alien Artifact (1)

Designation S2MB
Previous Roman Lynch - Mission A
Next Roman Lynch - Mission C
Saved Game S2MB.SAV

Roman Lynch - Mission A is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to Roman Lynch at the bar on New Constntinople in the New Constntinople after completing Tayla - Mission D.

Mission Description

Take a shipment of weapons from base New Constantinople to Rikel system, Siva agricultural planet for Lynch.

Pays 15000 credits.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Pentonville System
Nav 2 1 Bounty Hunter Centurion Seelig


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Lynch

Did you deliver my message to Captain Seelig?
Yes. He attacked me.  
Alas, who would've thought Captain Seelig would react in such paranoid fashion?
I have a feeling that's just what you wanted. I don't like being manipulated, Lynch!  
Perhaps this payment, along with some information, will smooth your furrowed brow.
Thus far, our search of records and databases has turned up nothing.
On numerous worlds my people have been harassed, arrested, interrogated...
...all for asking questions about your artifact.
Granting you this favor is costing me rather dearly.
You will therefore need to make another effort to keep our relationship a happy one.
Another chump job, Lynch?
Ever seen your lungs? Keep crackin' wise, I'll show them to ya...up-close, like.
Jeez, where do you get your dialogue, Thugs-R-Us?  
Enough, Miggs. $NM, I need you to make a very important delivery.
It will further finance the study of your artifact. I'll also pay you 15,000 credits. Interested?
Accept Refuse
Good. I need you to rush a weapons shipment to planet Siva in Rikel system.
It's already late. Merely dock, and my people will unload your ship.
Leave immediately thereafter, and return here for your payment.
Do you have the weapons here?  
Of course not. I don't soil my hands with such...incriminating details.
You will find them already loaded on your ship.
Also, I must caution you regarding one...potential danger.
One of my less scrupulous competitors, Salman Kroiz, may be out to stop the shipment.
But I have every confidence that you will handle him...appropriately.
You've told me nothing so far, Lynch. I'll take my search elsewhere.  
You'll find it severely impeded. I have a monopoly on this sort of information.
Especially since we both know you can't go to the authorities with this.
Mark my'll be back.


Talk to Lynch

I understand from my contacts on Siva that you've not delivered those weapons yet.
I did inform you that it was late already. What's the delay?
I do have other business to attend to, Lynch.
Other business? You want I should help him priority-wise, Mr. Lynch?
Not now, Miggs. $CS, when you fly for me, MINE is the only business that matters.
However, I'll overlook this if you move immediately.
Deliver the weapons to the agricultural planet Siva in Rikel.
Afterwards, return here for your payment of 15,000 credits.
Fine...but I'll want info on the artifact when I get back, Lynch.  
Rest assured, you will have it.


Talk to Lynch

Well, if it isn't $NM. Have you reconsidered?
I'm waiting to be convinced.  
Your services are not indispensible to me...however, I'll humor you this time.
I want you to fly to the Pentonville System.
There you will locate a man named Seelig, captain of the Hooded Hawk.
I wish you to tell him how profoundly...disappointed I am in him.
For that service I will pay you 10,000 credits...
...and provide you with information regarding the object once you return here.
So...either accept my deal, or stop wasting my time.
Accept Refuse
Be on your way then, Captain $NM. Miggs and I await your speedy return.
I still think you need to handle this one yourself, Mr. Lynch.


Talk to Miggs

You don't wanna talk to me, 'cause I don't wanna talk to you.
And anyone that makes me do what I don't wanna do gets hurt, painwise, get me?
Mr. Lynch, sitting over there, HE'S the one you wanna talk to... either state your bidness or take a hike, buddy.

In Flight

Talk to Seelig

# Hooded Hawk, come in.
# I'm looking for a Captain Seelig.
# I represent Roman Lynch.
Nice ship, Captain. How about a little tour?
# Sorry, but we have other business right now.
Okay, you got my attention. What do you want?
# Roman Lynch is very disappointed in you.
He is, is he?
# Yes.
# No.
Want to hear our response? Well, here it comes...


Talk to Lynch


Sorry I haven't been coming up with the goods, but I'll do better next time.
Regrettably, there shall be no next time.
Your services are no longer required, $NM. Good day to you.


What, you're cutting me off just because of one mess up?  
We had a deal, damn it! You owe me information on that artifact!
That deal was not based upon failure.
Want me to explain it to him, Mr. Lynch?
No, Miggs. $NM is incompetent, not stupid. Good day to you, $CS...
...and trouble me no more!

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary Lynch's investigation into the artifact is going badly. Investigating this artifact is leading to harassment of his researchers, and he needs m work from you to continue looking into it. The next job is to me guornse from the capital to Siva (an agricultural base in Rikel system). Lynch is not the only mobster running guns and he suspects, correctly, that you will meet resistance from a rival gangland boss, Salman Kroiz.
Payment 15,000 credits.
Requirements Deliver the cargo and return to New Constantinople.
Opponents In Rikel, there will be 2 hostile Demons (confident pros) escorting Kroiz (a confident ace), also in a Demon. They will be at Nay 1, Nay 2 or Nay 5. If you do not kill Kroiz, he will meet you at Hidden 1, 2 or 3 (the first one you go to) escorted by 5 fresh hostile Demons. As with Seelig, you are not required to kill Kroiz and his goons to complete the mission.
  • This mission is obviously a pretty easy one. Just take his cargo to Siva and return. You wish it was that easy. Salman Kroiz will be waiting for you escorted by two more Demons. Demons carry some heavy artillery. Make sure that when fighting them, you never go head on. The Demons carry torpedo launchers and aren't afraid to use them. One shot and your shields are almost gone. leaving you open game for the others. If possible, make sure you stay on their tails and keep afterburnering; don't just attack one and switch to another. Pick them off one at a time. — "Deetchman"

WC:CIC Game Guide


To keep Lynch sweet, you need to fly another mission. This one slightly more risky. Lynch warns you that Kroiz may try to stop you, and sure enough, he tries.


Deliver shipment of weapons to Siva Agricultural Base in Rikel System, then return to New Constantinople and meet Lynch in the bar.

Scripted Encounters

Kroiz upon entering Rikel system.


  • Kroiz is backed up by two mercenaries. All three are flying Demons. The asteroids make things even more difficult.

User Comments

Submitted by : Junta ()

Mission : Roman

Comments : 1) No you don't have to shoot at Seelig, but how hard could it be to knock down one Talon? 2) Kroiz and his two buds are so easy to kill - just fly towards them and they'll smash into an asteroid and get killed without you having to do anything.

Submitted by : Helge Helgesen (

Date : Sat Aug 10 18:49:30 2013

Mission :

Comments : jt: You are talking about Righteous Fire, you are in the wrong place!

Submitted by : Dragon Dreams (

Mission : Lynch mission 2

Comments : If you don't want to fight Kroiz in mission 2, there are 2 ways into the system, meet him at one, then jump out and head in the other with no trouble. You can make it easily in 6 jumps.

Submitted by : Priv9174 (

Mission : Lynch's second mission...

Comments : When I failed to deliver the cargo Lynch said he didn't want my services anymore and left, now I don't know what to do next! I've been to Oxford and I can't even get in the Library yet.

Submitted by : jt (

Date : Sun Jan 20 02:11:33 2013

Mission : To Priv9174 Lynch 2

Comments : Refly the mission and deliver the cargo. You are saving after each Mission, yes? Just refly it. Either that or find at least 2 of the 3 women who put you to work, after which Masterson will give you Missions.