0070 (Wing Commander Prophecy cutscene): Difference between revisions

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| runtime        = 3m27s
| runtime        = 3m27s
| scenes          = 7
| scenes          = 7
| locations        = [[Briefing Room (TCS Midway)|Ready Room]]
| locations        = [[Briefing Room (TCS Midway)|Briefing Room]]

Latest revision as of 03:31, 28 October 2023

WCP Cutscene 0070.png
Production Wing Commander Prophecy
Type Plot
Series Introduction
Disc CD1
Run Time 3m27s
Scenes 7
Locations Briefing Room

0070 is a cutscene from Wing Commander Prophecy. It is part of the introductory series of cutscenes. It plays when you enter the Briefing Room before H'rekkah B1.


ZERO: Behold! The briefing room! Take a look around you, Casey, my man. Billions of Confed credits at work. This is the nerve center of our work here on this ship.

CASEY: No map table?

ZERO: Ancient history. This is the ICIS System. Brand new. It's tied to all the computers on this ship. It'll tell us where we're going and what we're doing according to the brainiacs upstairs. Oooh! Sorry, the Tactical, Intelligence and Science divisions. Anyway, it all gets distilled down to the screens on our desks. It's easy-- point and click-- you know? Call it our window to the world.

DALLAS: If it works, that is.

ZERO: Casey, meet Dallas, our resident voice of doom and general naysayer. He's probably writing another letter to Senator Taggart as we speak.

DALLAS: Not so, Zero! That's a very appropriate name. I am, in fact, tracking my investments. Five more years at this rate and I can retire a wealthy man.

ZERO: Yeah. You see, Dallas does it for the cash. It's not just a job and all that.

DALLAS: You think everything is a conspiracy, don't you? Cash is what its all about! How much money do you think Confed saved by building a stand-alone carrier force? Namely, this behemoth of a ship.

ZERO: God!! Who cares? If this tub gets hulled, what then?! They've put all their eggs into one little basket with no backup. It doesn't matter, Confed's got their greedy little fingers into everything. What's a few credits here and there?

DALLAS: Well, don't tell that to Commodore Blair. After all, the Midway was his idea.

CASEY: Oh no! Not Blair again! For years at the Academy all we'd hear about was Blair this and Blair that: 'Savior of the Confederation,' 'Most Decorated Pilot,' Blah, blah, blah. What is the guy, like, four thousand years old? God, I think I've heard just about everything... Except that he was on board the Midway.

BLAIR: Have we met, Lieutenant?

CASEY: Casey, Lance R. Second Lieutenant. Confed Number C26354.

BLAIR: Casey, huh? So you're the Iceman's kid? I heard you were coming on board. You know, I flew with your father. He was a good pilot. Always followed orders. Knew when to keep his big mouth shut.

CASEY: Good-bye career.

ZERO: Don't feel so bad. I hear there's always openings in the Diplomatic Corps. C'mon, let's get you a drink to put those flames out.




Wing Commander Prophecy's cutscenes were dubbed for the German release.



A DVD version of Wing Commander Prophecy was developed but not released. It contained almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release. Mark Day has provided a copy.


Shooting Script

A Wing Commander Prophecy Absolute Very Last Ultimate Final Draft Script dated April 30, 1997 and used during the game's shooting has been provided by Adam Foshko.


The door opens and Casey comes into a big room with amphitheater
style seating. There's a LARGE VIEWSCREEN at the front, with
SMALL SCREENS (the ICIS) on each pilot's desk. Zero is at
Anderson's console, his feet propped up.



Behold, the Briefing Room! Look
around you, Casey, my
man ...billions of Confed credits at
work. This is the nerve center of
our work on this ship.

Zero crosses to podium as Casey indicates the screen in the
front with a SPINNING LOGO.

No map table?
(shakes his head)
Ancient history. This is the ICIS
system. Brand new. It's tied into
all the ships computers--it'll show
us where we're going and what we're
doing according to the brainiacs
upstairs-- sorry, the Tactical,
Intelligence and Science divisions.
Finally, it all gets distilled down
to the screens on cur desks. It's
easy...point and click. You know.

He points to ICIS on front row.

Call it our window to the
world... if it works, that is.

The large high-backed Captain's chair swivels around to reveal a
young an rapidly tapping on a hand-held ICIS.

Casey, meet Dallas, our resident
voice of doom and general naysayer.
He's probably writing another
letter to Senator Taggart as we
Not so, Zero. I am, in fact,
tracking my investments. Five more
years at this rate and I can retire
a wealthy man.
You see, Dallas does it for the
cash. It not just a job and all


You see conspiracy in everything
don't you? Cash is what it's all
about. How much money do you think
Confed saved by building a stand-
alone carrier force, namely this
behemoth of a ship, with no need
for additional support vessels, eh?
God. Who cares? If this tub gets
hulled, what then?! They've put
all their eggs in one basket with
no backup. Besides Confed has its
greedy little fingers in
everything. What's a few credits
here and there?
Don't tell that to Commodore Blair.
After all, the Midway was his idea.
Oh, not Blair again!

They both lock at him, puzzled

For years all we heard at the
Academy was Blair this and Blair
that. "Savior of the
Confederation", "Most decorated
pilot", Blah, blah, blab. What is
he about four thousand years old by
now? God, I am sick to death of
hearing about Blair. Believe me, I
think I've heard it all--

Casey breaks off as he finally realizes a tense Dallas and Zero
are looking behind him. Casey slowly turns to face: CHRISTOPHER
BLAIR stands at the open entrance door, glaring at Casey.

--except that he was personally on
board the Midway.

Casey swallows hard.

Attention on Deck.

The young pilots stand rigidly. Blair moves in close to Casey.
Dangerously close.


CONTINUED: (3)::::::::::::: 7

Have we met, Lieutenant?
Casey, Lance R. Second Lieutenant.
Confed Number C26354.
Casey. So, you're the Iceman's
kid, huh? I heard you were coming
cn board. I flew with your old
man, you know. He was a good
pilot, followed orders..
(angry beat)
...and knew when to keep his mouth

Casey's saved from Blair's wrath by the CAG's entrance into the
Briefing, room. Blair glares a final time at Casey, then joins
the CAG--immediately launching into a WHISPERED, yet heated,

Zero and Dallas cluster around Casey as he exhales heavily.

Good-bye career.
Don't feel so bad...I hear there's
always openings in the diplomatic
corps. C'mon, let's get you a
drink to put those flames out.
They exit out the door leading to the Ready Room.

12/18/96 Draft

A Wing Commander Prophecy First Draft Script dated December 18, 1996 has been provided by Billy Cain.


Zero opens the Briefing Room door. A big room with amphitheater style seating; a LARGE VIEWSCREEN at the front; SMALL SCREENS (or ICISs) on each
pilot's desk.



Behold The Briefing. We check our
brains at the door; then the brass
spoon feed us our missions. If we don't
fall asleep.

Casey steps up to a high-backed chair by the staff door.

Who rates the throne?

The chair suddenly swivels around to reveal a young man rapidly tapping on a ICIS. He barely looks up at Casey.

The Captain, when he deigns to join us.
Casey, meet Dallas. Dallas, say hello
to Casey.
(re: ICIS)
Subtract sixty million credits for each
destroyer; forty million for each
corsair, and your total cost savings
per group is... (whistles) That's a
lotta zeroes, Zero.
Zeroes about what?
About how much Confed saved by building
a stand alone carrier force, namely the
Midway, with no need for support

Casey is clearly not impressed.

And if this tub gets hulled, Confed's
put all their eggs in one basket with
no backup.
Don't tell that to Colonel Blair. The
Midway is his idea.


A bad idea. Blair never made a mistake
in his career -- until he pushed Confed
into building this bucket of bolts...

Casey breaks off as he finally realizes a tense Dallas and Zero are now
looking behind him. Our hero slowly turns to face:


Standing at the open staff door. He glares at Casey.

So, you're Lance Casey; Mike Casey's
kid. Right?
(to Casey's nod)
I knew your old man. We called him the
Iceman... a good pilot. Followed
orders, did his job, and kept his mouth
shut. (angry beat) You could learn by
his example...

Casey is saved from Blair's wrath by the CAGs enterance into the Briefing
room. She approachs the group and interupts. A heated discussion ensues.

All pilots report to Briefing.

Casey, Zero and Dallas move towards their seats.

(whispering to Zero)
Goodbye career.
(whispering and smirking)
I hear there's an opening in the
diplomatic corps...

Shooting Schedule

A Wing Prophecy Green Schedule from the Origin Museum has been archived by Dominik Reichardt.