Mission Computer: Difference between revisions

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Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Normal.png|Standard
Privateer - Screenshot - Mission Computer - Mission.png
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - New Constantinople.png|New Constantinople
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - New Detroit.png|New Detroit
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Oxford.png|Oxford
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Dealer - Agricultural.png|Agricultural Planet
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Dealer - Mining.png|Mining Base
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Dealer - Pleasure.png|Pleasure Planet
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Dealer - Refinery.png|Refinery
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Dealer - New Constantinople.png|New Constantinople
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Dealer - New Detroit.png|New Detroit
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Dealer - Oxford.png|Oxford
Privateer - Screenshot - Ship Dealer - Dealer - Perry.png|Perry

Revision as of 05:55, 14 February 2023

Ship Dealer
PPG - Ship Dealer Icon.png

A Ship Dealer is an independently-run dealership which offers spacecraft and spacecraft components for sale as well as repair and rental services. There are 33 ship dealers located on bases around the Gemini Sector. Ship dealers include a Showroom, a Ship Modification bay and a Sensor Booth. Avr ships is the ship dealer located on New Detroit. Exploratory Services' officer Gabriel Quentin wrote about the organization in GEMINI SECTOR: AN OVERVIEW. In 2670, Lynn Murphy believed that failing to deliver ore and construction equpiment from the Corcoran Corporation through the Church of Man blockade of Liverpool would cause ship dealers to begin running out of spare parts.

The showroom offers three types of spacecraft for sale, the Orion, Galaxy and Centurion. It is staffed by a salesman who is familiar with the spacecraft and who can provide potential buyers with brochures and their contact card. Payment is deducted automatically and the dealership delivers the new spacecraft to a landing pad. Ship dealers will accept used spacecraft as trade-ins at their Joan’s Index Value, including the Tarsus which they do not offer for sale. The resale value of a given ship's components are factored into the total value of the trade-in, with damage to components taken into account.

Any cargo aboard a ship is tranferred to the new craft. A sale can not take place if the ship being sold contains more cargo than the new one can hold. The Merchants' Guild blocks Ship Dealers from selling surplus cargo during spacecraft trade-ins although some less reputable salesman will keep excess cargo for themselves. Jump drives, secret compartments, sensors and navigational maps are also transferred to new spacecraft rather than sold.

Ship dealers do not offer financing because of the risk assosciated with operating a spacecraft in Gemini. New spacecraft must be purchased for a lump sum. They do not offer insurance. Ship dealers on pleasure planets advertise rentals.



Sprite Sheets




Welcome to a
First Sector Mission Machine

To activate
place palm on
Image Recognition

Loading Screen

Scanning Gemini Sector for
available missions.

Please wait...


Available Missions: {3-6}
Current Mission: {1-6}

{mission type}
{mission description}

Mission Accepted

Mission accepted.

Thank you.

Schedule Full

We are sorry, but our records
indicate that your mission schedule
is already full.

Thank you for using a First Sector
Mission Machine


Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide

Mission Computer

Mission Computers are ubiquitous. These are the most popular forum for hiring pilots. They are quick and typically built into the base itself. Many pilots rely upon their convenience for work. This automated system offers a variety of missions for widely varying pay. The military also uses this service to solicit mercenaries, a practice they are continuing due to its cost efficiency and the high mission success rate. Whether your ship is a cargo vessel or a killing machine, you can find work here.

The interface is friendly. After a palm print identification you may scroll through the available listings. If you accept a mission, you may use the arrows to continue scrolling through them. The Mission Computers follow the Guild standard that you probably ought not to take more than three missions at a time. This is for two reasons. First, pilots who regularly accept more than three missions usually end up dropping one and either losing someone money or causing massive casualties due to undelivered supplies or undefended civilians. Second, limiting the number of missions is an attempt to prevent mobsters and shady characters from accepting all the work and doling it out for a cut to flunkies and desperates, cornering the market.

Wing Commander Privateer Reference Guide

Mission Computer. Activate by clicking on the palm icon. When you find a satisfactory mission, click on the ACCEPT button. A mission that you accept no longer appears in the mission computer (it is summarized in your Personal Computer).

Privateer Playtesters' Guide

Mission Computer. The mission computer on every base in Gemini Sector offers a wide variety of missions. The assignments in this data bank am generated randomly from a large pool of variables. Therefore, you will hardly ever encounter the same mission twice. If you want to make more money on each mission, you should probably join the Mercenaries' Guild. Mission computer assignments also do not guarantee payment, so you may find yourself penniless even after a successfully completed mission.

Missions Offered. Attack, bounty hunting, defend base, patrol, scout.


Behind the Screens

The greyscale image of the Mercenaries' Guild computer in the Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide shows an earlier build where mission rewards were preceded by a plus.

Pre-Release Screenshots

Source Models

Concept Art
