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==Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide==
==Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide==

'''Mercenaries’ Guild'''
'''Merchants’ Guild'''

The Merchants’ Guild has, in the last decade, established good relations with the Mercenaries’ Guild. They realized that there is really no competition between them. In fact, each depends upon the other. This is especially true as the supply of pilots increases. With the war effort and the heavy campaign to advertise Gemini’s opportunities abroad, there has been an upsurge in prospectors panning for golden opportunities. This has led to more small businesses depending on the lone pilot to transport their wares and protect their flight paths. Not surprisingly, the guild has managed to keep its share of the moneys involved and has almost too nice offices.
The Merchants’ Guild has, in the last decade, established good relations with the Mercenaries’ Guild. They realized that there is really no competition between them. In fact, each depends upon the other. This is especially true as the supply of pilots increases. With the war effort and the heavy campaign to advertise Gemini’s opportunities abroad, there has been an upsurge in prospectors panning for golden opportunities. This has led to more small businesses depending on the lone pilot to transport their wares and protect their flight paths. Not surprisingly, the guild has managed to keep its share of the moneys involved and has almost too nice offices.

Revision as of 23:06, 11 February 2023

Merchants' Guild
PPG - Merchant Guild Icon.png
Fee 1,000 credits

The Merchants' Guild or Merchant's Guild is a professional society for privateers which operates 46 offices across the Gemini Sector. It acts as a liaison between organizations seeking shipping services and privateers. The guild clears all missions and guarantees payment for successful completion. Attack, bounty hunting, defend base, patrol and scout missions are offered through the guild. These missions are typically more difficult than those found on the Mission Computer but also offer a higher average payment amount.

The guild is known for its integrity and sense of honor and does not offer illegal missions or operate offices on Pirate bases. Guildsmen pay a fee to register with the organization and can then accept missions from any guild office. They are allowed to take up to three missions at a time. Missions are stored on individual optical discs and offered as a selection of four at a time. The limit is imposed to prevent racketeering and overcommitting. Missions accepted from the Mission Computer and the Merchant's Guild count towards the limit. Members are paid immediately upon the completion of a mission and do not need to return to a guild office. Officers are staffed by a receptionist who offers a hard sell to prospective members.

The Mercenary Guild's application fee increased to 5,000 credits around 2669. Exploratory Services' officer Gabriel Quentin is a longtime associate of the Mercenaries' Guild. The organization has endorsed the model 2069 Centurion as the best publicly-available fighter.



Sprite Sheets


Initial Offer

Talk to Guild Master

Hi, $NM, how are you? I'd like to invite you to join our guild.
We broker for the most ... reputable clients.
That means we guarantee your work AND your compensation.
The Merchants' Guild primarily schedules cargo runs...
...but we also place big bounties on pilots that attack our own members.
It will only cost you 1,000 credits to join our ranks.
How about it?
Accept Refuse
Great! We will automatically debit the service fee from your current banking system.
The Merchants' Guild appreciates your business. Thanks for joining.
You'll be glad you did.
You'll wish you had, friend.

Can't Afford

Talk to Guild Master

So you want to join the Merchants' Guild, huh?
Sorry, $NM, but guild records show that you lack the 1,000 credits required to join.
Guild membership guarantees cargo and payment...
...and provides unlimited access to our mission computers.
Please try again later when you have the proper funds.


Talk to Guild Master

If you're ready for a cargo run, feel free to make use of the mission screen.
Remember, we pay premium bounties on ships that harass Merchants' Guild members.
We take care of our own, $NM.


Loading Screen

Scanning Merchant's Guild
records for available missions.

Please stand by...

Mission Selection

Thank you for visiting
the Merchant's Guild

Please select a
mission disk.


{mission type} (X of 4)
{mission description}

Mission Accepted

Mission accepted.
Thank you.

Schedule Full

We are sorry, Merchants'
Guild records indicate that
your mission schedule is
already full.

Thank you for visiting The
Merchants' Guild.

Not a Member

We are sorry.
You must first join
the Merchants' Guild.

The guild master
can help you.



Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide

Merchants’ Guild

The Merchants’ Guild has, in the last decade, established good relations with the Mercenaries’ Guild. They realized that there is really no competition between them. In fact, each depends upon the other. This is especially true as the supply of pilots increases. With the war effort and the heavy campaign to advertise Gemini’s opportunities abroad, there has been an upsurge in prospectors panning for golden opportunities. This has led to more small businesses depending on the lone pilot to transport their wares and protect their flight paths. Not surprisingly, the guild has managed to keep its share of the moneys involved and has almost too nice offices.

Interacting with the Merchants’ Guild is similar to dealing with the Mercenaries’ Guild. You are charged to join and then may use their computer to accept missions. Any one individual may not have more than three missions accepted at any one time in order to prevent racketeering or simply over-committing out of ambition. For a mission brokerage firm, they are useful and professional. Do consider the type of work you would like to do before taking missions. For a military pilot with no cargo hold there is only a little work available through the guild.

Privateer Playtesters' Guide

Merchants' Guild. The Merchants' Guild requires an initial fee of 1000 credits. Most of these missions require jumping to other systems. Payment for all accepted assignments is guaranteed. Merchants' Guild delivery missions are generally less lucrative than any missions accepted through the Mercenaries' Guild.

Missions Offered. Bounty hunting, delivery.


Behind the Screens

A pre-release screenshot from an earlier build of Wing Commander Privateer shows blue hotspot text.

The greyscale image of the Merchant's Guild computer in the Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide shows an earlier build where mission rewards were preceded by a plus.

Early concept art plans plans for the Mercenaries' Guild and the Merchant's Guild to use the same office with an interchangeable logo graphic.

The Merchant's Guild office source mesh is labeled JMERCEN.3DS and the Mercenaries' Guild is JMERCH.3DS, suggesting that they might have been swapped at some point in development.

Pre-Release Screenshots

Source Models

Concept Art