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My Wing Commander experience began on a Sam's Club PC display in the early 90's which had either WC1 or 2. I had no idea how to play so I mostly emptied my afterburner tank and lauched all the missles before walking away but the game still stuck with me. It wasn't until the SNES version of WC1 that I learned how to play. I didn't have a PC until 1996 so until then, the SNES version was all I had. That and a copy of the End Run novel I should say. When I read End Run I was in middle school and I was allowed to read it for a sustained silent reading class. It was like playing Wing Commander in school but so much better. End Run is my reason for joining the WCpedia project. I noticed that the TCS Johnny Greene's page is very lacking, for example. I still have my beat up End Run novel and would like to elaborate on that Johnny Greene page as well as other End Run related articles that need work. That summer in 1996 I finally got a PC and played Armada but I could never get my copy of WC2 to work right in DOS mode Windows 95. Then I played WC3 on PSX but I ended up skipping Privateer, Privateer 2, and WC4 on PC. In 1998, I got a Diamond Stealth II s220 3D accelerator PCI video card and shortly after, I used it to play Privateer and Secret Ops. Then EA stopped making WC games and I moved on to other unrelated gaming trends such as Quake and Half Life mods. Classic console and arcade emulation was making big progress too so I was following emulation news daily. A copy of PC Gamer had licensed full versions of classic PC games on one of it's disks including the Kilrathi Saga version of WC1 so I was finally able to play WC1 natively in Windows 98. A few years later, Dosbox came out which allowed me to play WC2 and Privateer. As an End Run fan, WC2 was especially enjoyable. I found out about WCnews about 4 years ago and I have been following it daily, mainly to check updates on Standoff which takes place in my favorite WC era, WC2. Around this time I finally read End Run's sequel, Fleet Action to find out about Standoff's back story. I played through episode 1 of Standoff but I decided I wanted them to finish it before I continued. Battlestar Galactica began it's reboot around that time too which has had me hooked since the miniseries for obvious reasons. My 3 year Warcraft spree was a very uncharacteristic foray into fantasy instead of scifi but it took my mind off the wait for Standoff. I normally don't even like PC RPG's but everything Blizzard does is gold. I raided Burning Crusade as a human shadow priest with a really fun raiding group that stuck together from Karazhan until we became the second raid group on the server to take down Kil'jaeden. (Kara and KJ are the first and last Burning Crusade expansion raids, respectively.) By then, Lich King was about to come out and I had grown tired of Warcraft monopolizing all my gaming time so I decided not to upgrade. My last major success in Warcraft was our late night raid on all the Horde cities where we assassinated all 4 of the Horde faction leaders with about 80 lvl 70's and we all earned black bear mounts. For me, it was the moment that I beat Warcraft and was the best time to end it I could have wished for. The only reason I bring up Warcraft is that it monopolized my gaming time and prevented me from trying other games, such as Standoff episodes as they were released. These days I'm waiting patiently for Standoff episode 5 to get released so I can finally enjoy it in it's fully completed glory. While I wait I focus on playing DS and Wii games that I missed out on during my unhealthy time spent watching progress bars slowly fill up and empty. By the way, in real life I'm an IT consultant with a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems and Technologies.