PC Games Wing Commander IV featurette

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Behind the Scenes of Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Production Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Type Behind the Scenes
Series PC Games
Run Time 13m33s
Date August 1995

Behind the Scenes of Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom is a behind-the-scenes featurette about the making of WIng Commander IV: The Price of Freedom published in the August 1995 issue of PC Games.


Three Dog Productions

Director Markus Krichel

Camera Ed Springer

Editor Andrew Newberg

Post Facilities People Production Boulder, Colorado

Production Assistant Herb "Mac" Bauer

Co-Producers Oliver Menne Thomas Borovskis

Producer Markus Krichel

Executive Producer Christian Geltenpoth

Im Auftrag des Computec Verlages

Special Thanks To David Swofford Origin Systems Electronic Arts

(c) 1995 Computec Verlag