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C2aa: Talos 090.0C - Hidden Foes

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Patrol all NAV points.

Bonus ObjectivesDestroy alien transports

Your Ship "Black" Panther

Wingmen Zero, Maestro

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing : Spyder (Wing leader), Stiletto, Amazon, 3 Excaliburs, 3 Thunderbolts

Briefing. The TCS Foehammer has arrived to aid the situation here in Talos System. You will be flying a combined patrol with a flight of Excaliburs from the Foehammer. Patrol all NAV points and eliminate all enemy forces encountered.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 3 Manta

11 Moray

NAV 2 - 6 Manta

2 Stingray

7 Moray

NAV 3 - 4 Manta

1 Devil Ray

4 Moray

2 Triton

7 Skate

NAV 4 - 4 Stingray

6 Moray



  • Nice and easy. You've got so much help this time around that you should have no trouble completing the primary objective
  • The other objectives are a different matter. The transports running for the jump point at NAV 3 are extremely tricky to stop and they will jump if they are not completely destroyed, so if you want any chance of nailing them, get the fighters quickly so the Thunderbolts can do their thing.


Success / Failure and Success in C1 go to C2AB. Success / Failure and Failure in C1 go to C2AC