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C2ac: Talos 104.C0 - Careful Steps

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Patrol all NAV points.

Your Ship "Black" Panther

Wingmen Zero, Maestro

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing : Spyder (Wing leader), Stiletto, Amazon, 3 Excaliburs

Briefing. Talos system remains heavily populated with alien craft. Patrol this NAV route and eliminate all enemy vessels you encounter. When your patrol is complete, return to Cerberus.

Alien Forces

NAV 3 - 6 Skate

4 Moray

4 Lamprey

1 Devil Ray

NAV 5 - Wave 12 Manta

4 Skate

4 Moray

2 Devil Ray

Wave22 Moray

2 Skate

2 Manta

Cerberus NAV - 3 Lamprey

2 Devil Ray

10 Stingray



  • Only two of your patrol points have alien forces, so where are the rest or the bugs? Arranging your welcome home party back at the Cerberus, so be sure to save a good few missiles for them.
  • The first thing on your mind when you get back to Cerberus should be taking out the Stingray fighters, and breaking up any clusters ASAP.


Success / Failure go to C3b