Pegasus Naval Base, circa 2654.
The Terran Confederation Senate Security Committee commissioned Pegasus Naval Base to serve as the primary strategic installation in the Vega Sector in 2638. The base was constructed in micro-gravity inside of nickel-iron Asteroid D-334R in the Dakota System's D-5 Asteroid Belt. Pegasus would be responsible for the security of the nearby Dakota 3 mining colony and the Charybdis Quasar nexus. The project was completed in 2646 and the base was formally established the following year. It was named Vega fleet headquarters on 2648.037, and served in that capacity through its destruction in 2654. During this time the station was also the primary military communications hub for the sector, and it was used extensively for testing new military assets (including weapons, ships and defensive technologies) under combat conditions. Pegasus was kept at Security Status Yellow, preventing use by civilians and military dependants and limiting non-command assignments to two year periods.
Pegasus Naval Base was also the home of the 4th Fleet, the 56th Marine Division and the 32nd Space Force. Ships based at Pegasus include the TCS Iowa, TCS Kobi, TCS George B. McClellan and TCS Vanguard. The 663rd Fleet Support Group, 356th Marine Battalion and 232nd Fighter Squadron were garrissioned at Pegasus. The Pegasus' fifty two drydocks regularly housed cruisers, destroyers, transports, tankers, strike carriers and supercruisers.
The base featured a thirteen-plus level structure with over seven million cubic meters of pressurized space, which included twelve large drydocks, forty regular berths, a thousand bed hospital and extensive supply and ammunition depots. The base also featured large ion engines which allowed for limited movement. Defense was provided by a series of at least three manned watchtowers and twelve communications dishes (northwest side).
The Empire of Kilrah made three attempts to attack Pegasus Naval Base directly. The first two, on 2648.247 and 2652.097, were fought off with minimal losses by elements of the 4th Fleet.
The third attack, on 2654.074, destroyed the station with all hands. The base's commander, Admiral William Wilson, later revealed to be a radical Pilgrim sympathizer, transmitted the details of the base's security screen to a fleet of forty Kilrathi capital ships. The Kilrathi fleet quietly intercepted and destroyed the four destroyers ordinarily kept within ten minutes response time of the base, replacing them with false communications.
A force of Dralthi attacked the stations unexpecting defenses, ultimately engaging a mere half squadron of CF-117b Rapiers off the TCS Iowa. Four Kilrathi ships, a Sivar, two Ralari and the KIS Grist'Ar'Roc, closed on the station to deploy marines. Kilrathi ground forces captured the stations NAVCOM AI before destroying the base itself. Wilson also sabotaged the NAVCOM's self destruct mechanism, but oddly also sent a warning buoy regarding the base's loss to his old comrade Commodore Geoffrey Tolwyn.
Pegasus' crew included:
Admiral William Wilson - Commanding Officer
Commodore Lauryn DeLucaz - Executive Officer
Colonel Jakob Ybarra - Commander, 56th Marine Division
Commodore Tuesday Frace - Commander, 32nd Space Force
2nd Lieutenant Trish Melize - 32nd Space Force
2nd Lieutenant Sandra Sotovsky - 32nd Space Force
Senior Spacehand Eric Popkin - Watchtower 3
Rick Adunda - Radar Officer
Benjamin Ferrago - Chief Navigator
Jakoby - Security Officer
Scott Osborne - Ordinance Officer
Thomas Sherryl - Radar Officer
Class: Asteroid Base
Mass: Billions of Tonnes
2,500-7,500 cm |
2,500-7,500 cm |
n/a |
2,500-7,500 cm |
2,500-7,500 cm |
(200) Dual Mount Anti-Matter Gun/Point Defense Missile Placement Turrets
(300) Missile Port
Fighter Complement: 4 Bays
Decoys: 1 Signal Buoy
Cloak: No
Jump Drive: No
Crew: 25,000 (Max), 14,500 (Permanent: 7,000 TCN, 4,000 TCMC, 2,700 TCSF, 800 Civilian Support)
Service Entry: 2646