You know you've been playing to much privateer when...

Master Wooky said:
You wouldn't do this... Why would one do this? ... I'm afraid!!!
I like a bit of variation. It allows me to replay games many many many more times, as I don't just play them to death and never play them again (like have with deus ex). Surely you get bored of games eventyally and decide to play something new for a bit of a change? Or is it just me with a short attention span and the need for quick (and preferably cheap) thrills?
Happy Camper said:
I like a bit of variation. It allows me to replay games many many many more times, as I don't just play them to death and never play them again (like have with deus ex). Surely you get bored of games eventyally and decide to play something new for a bit of a change? Or is it just me with a short attention span and the need for quick (and preferably cheap) thrills?

I just intended to say that I really, really like this game...

I killed so many retros that those pirates won't become hostile again... That's anoying!!!

The thing with the some thousand retros killed makes them like you was a joke, right?
The thing with the some thousand retros killed makes them like you was a joke, right?
I don't know. Killing that many (the big number I posted) would screw up the kill counter. But I'm not sure that would have an influence on the reps. I think not, it's the act of killing what influences reps, not the kill count. But I could be mistaken. Overflow errors are very hard to track. They're second to pointer bugs only, and siblings with floating point precision loss bugs.

But, certainly, it was meant as a joke.
Master Wooky said:
I just intended to say that I really, really like this game...
Fair enough. I really like it too, but I like to move on to other things.

As for the buffer overflow error thing with the retros, I wonder how long it would take to kill that many retros? Too long for most I would imagine.
Darkmage said:
When you manage to make retros act friendly towards you because you've killed over 32000 of them.

Did retros ever really roll over in alignment/friendliness?


You know you play too much when you check both bulletin boards for updates.
Master Wooky said:
Ok... now i started dreaming of it... dreamed about the alienthing in the intro... never completed the storyline i'm thrilled!
Yeah, its great isn't it? You need to play more games obsessivley until you've completed them, then you'll be able to have many a thrill. Dreaming about a game I've played obsessivley only happens once or twice, so great games need to continually be brought out.

You also know when you've been playing too much privateer when your friends accuse you of being socially inept.
Happy Camper said:
You also know when you've been playing too much privateer when your friends accuse you of being socially inept.

Which friends? They are all gone!!!

I also start to have problems with oral communication and pronunciation...
Master Wooky said:
Which friends? They are all gone!!!

I also start to have problems with oral communication and pronunciation...
Soon you'll have difficulty co-ordinating anything other than a keyboard or mouse.
I hope you're joking about all the friends going ;)
Happy Camper said:
Soon you'll have difficulty co-ordinating anything other than a keyboard or mouse.
I hope you're joking about all the friends going ;)

Maybe I shot them because they looked a little too much cat like?

No... dumb stuff. I doing a practical training in a foreign city for another two weeks. I have two or three jobs a day and don't know what to do with the rest of the time... that's the reason for hanging around in the forum the whole day... plus, of's the best game ever and worth to be discussed;)

Plus: I'm in love with the cute pirate girl with one eye;)
Master Wooky said:
I'm going to go there the next time and ask her if she want's to help me with my eatingproblem...
That's a great chat up line. Not forgetting that you can't speak properly because you've been playing priv for so long.

"Greetz. Cn u hlp me wiv mi eatin prob?"

I recon that would get some funny looks, and probably ensure you don't every get the chance to reproduce.