Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

Uh oh. Same thing with the Orca. :( Is there something I'm doing wrong? Did I screw up the Model Update install or something with Prophecy (Which I got through GoG)


Uh oh. Same thing with the Orca. :( Is there something I'm doing wrong? Did I screw up the Model Update install or something with Prophecy (Which I got through GoG)
Should work fine with GOG, that's the version I use on my builds. Looks to me like the installer somehow screwed up, or the files got corrupted somehow. The file you posted has hardpoints that have improper names that would cause a crash, also not seeing any of the plasma guns. So that file looks like a corrupted original.

I've attached all the MUP WCP ship files. This should (hopefully) fix your issues once and for all. As always, let me know if it doesn't.



Should work fine with GOG, that's the version I use on my builds. Looks to me like the installer somehow screwed up, or the files got corrupted somehow. The file you posted has hardpoints that have improper names that would cause a crash, also not seeing any of the plasma guns. So that file looks like a corrupted original.

I've attached all the MUP WCP ship files. This should (hopefully) fix your issues once and for all. As always, let me know if it doesn't.

Nice work. The Iceman would've been proud. ALSO: Thanks a million billion. Amazing support. I'm truly grateful.
That was my first thought. Did that but no go. Same problem. So repeated process but did NOT install MUP and everything's A-OK. So I can play through it....with 23 year old graphics. Any thoughts? I redownloaded MUP when I did the reinstall. Am I missing a step somewhere?
That was my first thought. Did that but no go. Same problem. So repeated process but did NOT install MUP and everything's A-OK. So I can play through it....with 23 year old graphics. Any thoughts? I redownloaded MUP when I did the reinstall. Am I missing a step somewhere?
what version of the MUP do you have?
Hi DefianceIndustries,

I'am interested about this models.

Can you please tell me where I can download the last updated MUP and all necessary files to run this update ?

Thanks !
I've got the version from the Downloads section. Looks like 1.2.41 in the OpenGL for WCP/SO install screen.
Thank you !

If I have understand I need to install in this order:

2) Beta1PntFx

Is correct ?

Thanks !
Thank you !

If I have understand I need to install in this order:

2) Beta1PntFx

Is correct ?

Thanks !
You should only need the first 2 files. Plus an existing copy of prophecy or secret ops. GOG copies work fine. I haven't tried it off Origin, it should work, but no promises there. Or you can get the free standalone Secret Ops install off the CIC.
Thank you again and happy new year !!

I have followed your instructions (I have WCP GOG version) after install it and run prophecy.exe he ask me to insert the CD 1, but I have the GOG version.

After I have checked prophecy.exe: my version is 2019 but after install this mod I see 2017.

So he update prophecy.exe probably from original version and non GOG version.

There is a way to solve ?

Thanks !
The installer should determine which version of prophecy you have. It does replace the .exe file with the new version which allows for the increased memory limits and all the other unlimited features.

What version of the mup installer do you have?