Rear Admiral
Once again I point you to my monkey building a reactor metaphor. I have literally 0 background in game design and have only recently started studying software design. I don't even know what broad concepts MED (or WCPPas whatever that is/was) uses to try and understand. You're basically asking someone who spent the last 30 year in the jungles of South Africa whether they Favor the Libertarian movement as demonstrated after The Florida Shooting or the Left Centrist activist groups as demonstrated by BLM activists.
So - while MED may appear to be easier: it's more familiar to folks who mod games like FS because it has a graphical interface,it's really not. You still have to know the code and functions in order to make even the most basic of missions, and it uses C (which if you're familiar with the language it might be easier?). I agree with @Quarto that in the short - medium term it's probably best to start out using WCPascal to do mission coding - even the SO cutscenes are basically "missions" where they player is made invulnerable and the placed outside of the camera's views. The reason I say that is: while you're coding in a text window in WCPas, there are more tutorials available on community sites to help you build out a few basic missions and you can go forward from there. You could also probably unpack and review some more complex missions from WCP, UE, or Standoff as well. In my own limited experience I tend to hybridize, I'll use MED to get the coordinates on the mission grid for waypoints, action spheres, etc. but then do the actual mission coding in WCPas.
If you're serious about learning this rarefied skillset - and Lord knows there's precious few who can still do this (so I applaud you sir!) I'd suggest starting with the tutorials above. Also Lt. Overload has a site on WCP missions it might be worth pinging him.