Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

Looking good Defiance! Really looking forward to re-shooting all in-game footage for my video series with your HD models (You're gonna do the wrecked Kilrathi cruiser right?)
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I believe so, though it's pretty low on the list of I'm honest. Also, don't know if you ran into this but it can kinda help with MED.

I can deal with 'pretty low' on the priority scale. I'm still in the preliminary concept development stage of the project so I have time. I'm still re-learning premier for starters, and chances are I'll need to learn after effects as well. And then there is MED. And the document you linked is included in the WCP_dev_backup and SO_dev_backup ISOs so I've read it. Thanks for the link. The document only talks about how to use MED, not how to use MED to build a mission.
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"I remember, right before Port Broughton went down at Firekka, we were busy beavers. I mean we were lucky to get an hour of shut-eye before the CAG would send us off to pick up the pilots who had to bail. At first we would crack a joke or two on pick-ups; but as the fight wore on we...Slipshod, err, Lt. LaRoy that is, found less and less to laugh at. When a bug torpedo took out the Broughton's jump drive, the fight turned into what the brass call 'a delaying action', that's flag-speak for a f*** meat grinder.

The ramp rats worked miracles keeping our bus flying though, so we kept going out, with less and less success. One of the last missions we flew before the Captain gave the order to scuttle the ship, a strike on a bug cruiser went sour and the CAG sent us out to get the ejectees. Each time we'd get off the deck, flight ops would rush us back because the bugs had another wave coming in and all available pilots were being sent out on CAP. This went on for three aborted attempts; finally Slipshod and I just went alone. CAG wasn't happy about it but he knew just as we did that those pilots were running out of air. It got pretty dicey for a while but once we got past the immediate fighting we had clear sailing to the pick-up. When we got there though we found that the bugs had come through, and we knew what they did to POWs. Most of those poor suckers spaced themselves rather than end up vivisected or on some bug's dinner plate. Slipshod was never the same after that, he just...I dunno, stopped I guess. Hope the psychs got him right..."

-Cpt. Bradford Mgana, 17 SAR sqn.

One Condor SAR ready for action...

SAR_Fin1.jpg SAR_Fin2.jpg SAR_Fin3.jpg SAR6.jpg SAR5.jpg SAR1.jpg SAR2.jpg SAR3.jpg SAR4.jpg

The MUP is almost Confed small-craft complete. I still need to do a Marine LST and the Refueller, neither of which appear in the game beyond the intro. So as for functional in-mission small-craft, we are done! Woo Hoo.
Really cool stuff... again :)

Are you going to exchange the planets in the background too? Is it even possible? With all that crisp and clear textures of your reworked models the low res planets do really look out of place.
Really cool stuff... again :)

Are you going to exchange the planets in the background too? Is it even possible? With all that crisp and clear textures of your reworked models the low res planets do really look out of place.

the open GL Patch replaced the old planet textures with new ones. When I unpacked the game I accidentally removed those and I've been too lazy to go fix it. If you installed both you'd get nice neat planets as well as the upgraded models.

and thank you! I appreciate the compliment!
While we continue to work on a functional alpha deployment, I haven't been too terribly idle. The Condor tanker is coming along and I've also managed to model out a new Murphy destroyer. I found the original model line drawings while nosing around and while I liked my original Murphy model, it wasn't as true to the original as I would have liked, so I redid it. I also plan on a few improvements, I plan on adding two destroyable components: the hangar and the MkIV Plasma gun. The hangar is straightforward, the plasma gun i will probably use the PLASMA chunk and modify the ship .IFF. I don't know if it will be functional, I don't think there's an entry for it in the weapons file, but I could just reuse the plasma turret effects from the Cerberus and call it good. Either way, it should look better when it's all blowed up.

MurphyWIP2.jpg MurphyWIP1.jpg MurphyWIP3.jpg MurphyWIP4.jpg MurphyWIP5.jpg MurphyWIP6.jpg
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Good day all and Happy New Year (Almost),

Big news today! There is now a functional alpha version of the model upgrade pack and it's ready for everyone to try out!

Updated Install Instructions as of 10 PM MST

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download your copy of the installer (If you wish to install the Open GL and Model patch only and you already have a working copy of Secret Ops, either the original enhanced version or GOG you can use this install file instead.)
  2. Run the installer, at the options selection dialogue be sure to check the "Fan made high-res models" Option

3. The installer will throw a warning telling you this is pre-release software and could be unstable:

4. Click OK
5. Follow the remaining install prompts as normal.
6. Blast bugs in all your high-poly glory!


The WCP Unlimited software defaults to the original 32 FPS setting of the game, however it gives you the ability to change that if you wish. After you run the game for the first time, WCP Unlimited creates a configuration file in your root Secret Ops directory called "wcpunl.cfg".

If you open the file you have two options currently to modify. One is the FPS and the other is the FPS display. You can change either parameter by editing the file.

  1. Changing Frames Per Second: Edit the "fps_max" value as a whole number. I generally push it up to 65 FPS, but you can go to 85 if you wish depending on your PC's specs. Most newer PCs should be able to handle 65 with no challenge and the game runs much more smoothly.
  2. Showing Frames per Second: change the value from 0 to 1 and you'll get a FPS counter in the upper left corner of your screen which displays the current FPS in real time.

So what are you waiting for? Go get it! Kill some bugs! Save humanity! Post Feedback!


This is a pre-release version and so I make no claims as to its functionality. The enhanced installer package will install a full copy of Secret Ops, plus the open GL renderer. The MUP is not complete and only contains fighter and small craft updates. If you encounter any issues please post them to this thread and I'll take a look at them and try and get them resolved. I've tested Secret Ops pretty thoroughly and so far I haven't run into too many stability issues, but occasionally you may experience a crash. Finally, this version doesn't contain the updated Cerberus room file, I will be adding that in a future release so the model viewer and mission simulator are currently unavailable.

Please see the attached Read Me for other known issues.

Assets: Nephilim and Wasp models (@Dark Sentinel), Confed Assets (Defiance Industries)
Installer, Mat Flags, and Technical assistance: @PopsiclePete, @Pedro
Wing Blender: @Kevin Caccamo
Wing Commander Prophecy Unlimited: @gr1mre4per
Vision Modding Support: @Quarto


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The forum needs a love button.

I'm on this as soon as I finish my lunch! Yeah, yeah, it may not work it's alpha, blah blah...Who cares?! It's progress! In this circle of combined brains we are the good Tolwyn...we get things done.

Thank you D.I. for your hard work.

OMG the exclamation points.
The forum needs a love button.

I'm on this as soon as I finish my lunch! Yeah, yeah, it may not work it's alpha, blah blah...Who cares?! It's progress! In this circle of combined brains we are the good Tolwyn...we get things done.

Thank you D.I. for your hard work.

OMG the exclamation points.

You're welcome! I couldn't have done this alone though, lots of talented Wing Nuts helped out.

Not the evil Tolwyn? He got things done too, just ask the folks on Telemon...oh wait...:p
OHHH YEAH! Defiance I am liking this a lot! So some testing responses:

Installed a fresh copy of the game through the insaller you provided. Went in no problem. Ran the game with the following settings:
Video Card: OpenGL [V1.2]
1440x900 resolution
Enhanced Lighting: On
HDR Effect: ON
Enhanced Starfields: ON
Max anisotropy: 16

The quality difference is utterly staggering!


During the first mission briefing the frame rate never drop below about 59. Otherwise the briefing play just fine.

Following mission launch I did notice a Blitch with the Panthers VDU display there is a line along the right side of the image. The Star field look freaking amazing though! Where there any modifications made to the chain ion firing effect? The pulses seem to be brighter than I remember them being in the original secret ops.

I don't know if this has anything to do with the hi DEF upgrade pack or not but during the first Playthru of the first mission of secret ops maestro ran directly into an asteroid.

Some additional Eye candy from my first test:

OH! Almost forgot. The Simulator Patch works with this as well.



Following mission launch I did notice a Blitch with the Panthers VDU display there is a line along the right side of the image

Glad you like it!

Hey can you do me a favor and try and snag a screen cap of the glitch you're seeing? I'd like to see if it's a model issue or something else.

Yeah the mission sim does work, I just didn't include it in the .ROM file for the alpha. The Beta/Prod versions will include it and the model viewer.
It sounds like the alignment issues you can get on the HUD when using higher resolutions. It would probably need some updated textures with a modified or higher resolution.