Wing Commander Academy


Rear Admiral
I was watching the episodes that I downloaded and I have found a discrepency in the Episode numberings. The site that I downloaded them from had Expendable as episode 7 and Chain of Command as episode 6. However, it seems to me that the action in Expendable happened before Chain of Command. Blair describes his and Payback's recon mission where they discovered the Kilrathi fleet. This lead me to believe that it was the same fleet that destroyed the Trafalgar and her task force.

Also, I cannot get Episode 13, Glory of Sivar to work. Windows Media Player says that it won't work. However, the other 12 work just fine. Anyone know what is up with that?
Well, when a show is made, sometimes for reasons of budget or timing on post-production, an episode is show out of sequence with the Continuity of the whole.
Theres a lot of Kilrathi in space, and that particular jump point traveled VERY far. So far it took three hours to travel through. Consider that when most other jumps are near instantaneous. Plus the Claw's fighters wiped out any ships that ended up coming through after Blair and Payback.
So are you saying it works like hyperspace in B5? Also, for something to travel 3 hours in it would take AGES!

If jumppoints seem to be fairly localised, (ie, we don't many that go to other sides of the universe/galaxy) how were they made?
The jump transit would seem instant to everyone else, though -- the three hours were experienced only by Blair, Payback and the Dralthi pilots <G>

Jump points are created by inter-related gravity wells -- so a jump point will lead from stars whose gravity affects eachother... in the case of something like a pulsar, the jump lines get... superfreaky.
Where to get a DIVX player

Please help me as I am unfamiliar with the DIVX standard. I tried to follow the links in the CIC to download a player but it always bombed out. Is there another place to get the player and are the episodes still available for download?
Originally posted by Quarto
Originally posted by redwolf
Also, for something to travel 3 hours in it would take AGES!
No... it would take... three hours.

Well think about it, three hours compared to almost instantaneous transit (ok lets assume around 10 seconds, ie wc4 seeing 'inside' the tunnel). Three hours being 10800 seconds, thats over a thousand times longer than a normal jump!
IIRC, the map of Confed Space that came with WCP is not necessarily how they are layed out in the Galaxy. It is just how the jump lines end up.

Correct me if I am wrong.
LOAF da man!

Once again LOAF proves to be the man. I just downloaded the DIVX code and the first WCA episode everything worked flawlessly. Once again thanks LOAF.
Jump point transitions are, according to equipment, instantaneous...a person's own senses say otherwise. From what the novels basically indicate, you "feeze" during the transition, and the starfield outside swirls like in WC4. It takes about 6-10 seconds according to your senses, and you get awfully nauseous, even for people accustomed to "jumpshock".

It only took three hours for Blair, Payback and the Dralthi pilots...not for anyone else. It doesn't take longer to go through because it's a really long doesn't work like that. It took long because a pulsar was screwing with the jump point.
Originally posted by Greywolf
IIRC, the map of Confed Space that came with WCP is not necessarily how they are layed out in the Galaxy. It is just how the jump lines end up.

Correct me if I am wrong.

2D Universe is veeeeeeeeryyyyy Bad for us.