Wing Commander Academy DVD

thats... all of them except False Colors?
Interesting. I might tell my mother because everybody in the family is reading them but her English is not good so she is a bit sad about that.
I'm willing to take credit for that.
Which part? Fek's liking the WCM novelization better, or stopping the reading of PS? :P

On-topic, my copy came in Saturday's mail, from Deep Discount DVD. I haven't yet found the free time to pop it in and watch (or even break the plastic wrap seal).
Aw man, just checked, had an email from, both dispatched, delivery estimate 4th of July.....I don't know if I can wait that long, I might pop!!!!
4th of July is cool, it is the..... oh wait. You're British, right? So it is actually a bad day for you I guess. Sorry.

EDIT: Except that Nottingham in your profile is Nottingham in New Hampshire, or in Maryland. Or Pennsylvania. Or somewhere else in the USA. Or Canada. Or it is a joke. Or something.
Well, he said "dispatched" which is British for mailed, so I assume he's in the UK :)

Also his package is going to take a month to get there, so probably not American.
Well, he said "dispatched" which is British for mailed, so I assume he's in the UK :)

Also his package is going to take a month to get there, so probably not American.

Oh, nice to learn something new. I thought "dispatched" means "wohoo more kitty litter" but then I know my english through popular culture...
Well I doubt we'll ever see a region 4 version. Maybe we can get some photos of people having fun while watching Academy, that way I feel a little warm inside as well? :(
4th of July is cool, it is the..... oh wait. You're British, right? So it is actually a bad day for you I guess. Sorry.

EDIT: Except that Nottingham in your profile is Nottingham in New Hampshire, or in Maryland. Or Pennsylvania. Or somewhere else in the USA. Or Canada. Or it is a joke. Or something.

Yes, I am on the other side of the Pond in the UK :) or Great Britain, or England or whatever we are currently calling ourselves now.
I have edited the location just for you Aginor :p
Yes... some dude... :D
Well, I thank you for your efforts in this regard, LOAF, else I never would have been able to see Academy at all in the first place, low quality or not.

Picture clarity sounds good. Pity about the region coding, but that's the way it goes, I suppose. I've managed with Region 2 only DVD releases before, I can manage with this one too. I'm thankful Blu-ray regions aren't so numerous - I can order European discs for half the price of Australian retail...
Aw man, just checked, had an email from, both dispatched, delivery estimate 4th of July.....I don't know if I can wait that long, I might pop!!!!
I've ordered DVDs from Amazon before and they've never taken more than 7 work days to arrive here. Life moves a little slower at the customs office and a 4-6 week estimate allows for them to process your package, but Amazon packages seem to move right through.
I can honestly say I've had some pretty long waits for items from Amazon, which has always puzzled me. I mean, their distribution center and warehouse for this part of the country is in my freakin' home town. I mean, I could drive up there after breakfast, have a lovely lunch with my grandmother, go by the warehouse and pick up what I ordered, and be back home before suppertime; why does it take three weeks for things to get here from them?​
I know exactly where their warehouse is, very first job as a temp was in the same building.​
I must say--and this won't help you poor Europeans--that the single greatest investment I've ever made has been the $79 annual Amazon Prime auto fee. Prime pays for itself instantly... I end up buying almost everything at a discount through Amazon now (waiting for them to conquer groceries.) I use the foreign Amazons, too, and almost never have much of a wait getting DVDs or such from the UK or France or Germany.
I must say--and this won't help you poor Europeans--that the single greatest investment I've ever made has been the $79 annual Amazon Prime auto fee. Prime pays for itself instantly... I end up buying almost everything at a discount through Amazon now (waiting for them to conquer groceries.) I use the foreign Amazons, too, and almost never have much of a wait getting DVDs or such from the UK or France or Germany.

Yeah, Amazon always ships things immediately for me. It's not unusual for me to be able to order something Thursday morning and have Amazon get it out within a few hours and deliver the product on Friday afternoon - all with free Prime shipping. Compare this to, which totally botched one of my WCA DVD orders by sitting on it and not even giving it over to the shipper for a week.

Even though it's a couple dollars more expensive than some other places, this is why we recommend for WCA DVD purchases!

I tried the Amazon grocery store again recently for the first time in a long time, and it was fantastic! We placed our order at 8 pm on a Sunday night and it was there by 6 am Monday morning.

And for some reason, being a Prime member gives you access to thousand and thousands of free streaming movies and TV shows! And there's PS3/XBox 360 apps that make it super easy to watch this content on your TV. No need to separately pay for Netflix!
Yay my copy came in today and I'm enjoying the heck out of the series. I find it odd that "chain of command" and "walking wounded" are out of order of the story arc. It's actually a little confusing story wise. Wonder why the did that. At first i thought they went with the order of Air date or something, but apparently not. Yah, i too noticed the poor sound mix with dialog and sfx/music in the first episode. Bit of a shame they didn't fix that.