I saw some talk lower down in the post about doing a WC1 -> WCP conversion. That could be down, but isn't really why we need the source. The reason we need the source is to make fan-made games easier to creat, al la the Doom community. Doom 2 at 800x600 looks NICE, even though the original textures were designed for 320x240. So the original WC1 graphics engine could be enhanced. I always liked it the best anyway. With the source to WC1, or even better, Armada, the number of fan-mad projects would balloon. The WC engine is way more tight then, say, the XvT engine, which is all figured out and has numerous fan-made things done. Thats why we need the source. Armada Source would probably be a best-case, WC1 Source a worst-case
Please support the Wing Commander Engine Source Code Release Project! Only with the support of the entire community can we achieve our goals! www.wcescrp.cjb.net
Please support the Wing Commander Engine Source Code Release Project! Only with the support of the entire community can we achieve our goals! www.wcescrp.cjb.net