C. Roberts and a new WC game
Could it be? Would C. Roberts not be interested in making a new WC game or continue the series? Oh my! Say it isnt so!!
I would hope this is not the case. Im shure that he went thru alot of trouble with EA and OSI when he left. I cant see why EA and OSI wouldnt let him continue the way he wanted, after all, its his baby. Can you see someone else other than George Lucas making Star Wars? Nope. If there ever is another WC game, C. Roberts without a doubt would be highly involved! I cant imagine anyone else doing it. Unless whoever does make a new WC game does some real heavy consulting with C. Roberts. I like the idea that everyone in the WC community gather up and support a new company to continue WC with Roberts at the helm. But Im shure he has thought about an idea like this, but with support from everyone in the WC community, and the right kind of promotion, it might be a workable thing. Does Mr. Roberts visit the CIC forums? Id like to hear what he would have to say about an idea like this. Make it a WC internet community effort. (wishfull thinking?)
"I say, would you kindly identify yourself?" [Salmon Kroits, Privateer]