What's all the secrecy about?


Rear Admiral
What with all the secret, password protected threads?
I thought the idea was to make the community share information and feed back...

Keep up the preasure, friend! Do not allow your senses to be hi-jacked by the tyranny and oppression that spreads across the CIC! Restore the One King, Akkbar, to his rightous place upon the throne of souls! If you do not, your life and those you hold dear will be forfeit to this, the most monsterous of unholy demons!

The only password protected threads are the ones in the secret discussion board. It's nothing you need concern yourself with.
I've been a member in several forums before -
The moment they began opening limited entrance threads was the moment they began to die. It was a mattar of a month or two until the entire community turn from large nunber of members to those few who were allowed full access to the forums.
On the other forums I was a member I didnt really cared, I just stoped visiting them, just like every one else.
But in here I do care.
I have been a WC fan from the day the I first saw the game, and with Origin dying this is the only place on the web that really keeps the community glued together.
Don't kill the CIC.
You want to discuss somthing out of us low-ranking members knowing of it? fine, just do it without rubing our noses in it!
What is the goal in opening a thead "Ultra-top-Hush-Hush project only we can talk about and you can't" ?
Because we can't afford another vbulletin license just for one forum. Just don't worry about it. Only project people can post there, everyone else will still be able to post to all the regular forums as usual.
Cpl Hades said:
Because we can't afford another vbulletin license just for one forum. Just don't worry about it. Only project people can post there, everyone else will still be able to post to all the regular forums as usual.

Hey, I just gave you the cold hard truth as I know it...

I have been messing with my own little project, so, when I decide to go public with it, I will be allowed to jump in...?
No. You'd need to be part of this specific secret project. It's not like it's a generic secret project forum. They'd get all confused.

But yeah, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. It's not even like it's the only secret project we have going on or anything. E-mail just wasn't working to organize anymore.
my point is that I don't care about your secrets.
It's not place to shove my nose in.
It's just when in the CIC site, the list of the recent threats is full with password-protected threads, thats when we, the "simple falk" start feeling stupid.

The list of the recent threat being full with password-protected threads is what I ment when I said "rubing our noses in it".

But, since I belive that I manage to make my point clear, and as I'm not an administrator on one hand, and doesn't want to be baned on the other ( :eek: )

I'll stop harassing you guys...
...and hope that this project of yours will another excellent success for the CIC crew ;)
Yeah, I wish there was some way to hide those from the recent threads list too. Oh well. It's not there to rub peoples noses in it, it's there simply because not everything can be conducted in public. Particularly when the end result is meant as a surprise.
Cpl Hades said:
Yeah, I wish there was some way to hide those from the recent threads list too. Oh well. It's not there to rub peoples noses in it, it's there simply because not everything can be conducted in public. Particularly when the end result is meant as a surprise.

Isn't there? - At another vbulletin board I frequent (Using the same version as this), they have a mods only room and the threads in that room only show on the recent thread list if you have the neccessary access for that room.

For people who don't, that room (or subforum - whatever you want to call it) just cannot be seen :(

I suppose that there is a mod only section here for discussions between admin and moderators. If there is, couldn't that principle be adopted for the purpose of the project (Or would that require another licence?)
Cpl Hades said:
Because we can't afford another vbulletin license just for one forum

Instead of purchasing another license why doesn't someone code there own "vbulletin" type system.

Quite frankly I find password protected threads rather tacky.
The password to the locked forum is in the bottom message: "This requires cookies!" Very clever guys, but I figured it out. :)

Starkey said:
The password to the locked forum is in the bottom message: "This requires cookies!" Very clever guys, but I figured it out. :)
I just read this thread and I saw the first time there is a secret area.
I can tell you that the password is definetly not 'Kilrathi' ;-).
Btw. that was the one and only test :-)