What if...?

Yeah, I'm confident that the 500 most dedicated fans could raise 10 million dollars. And as treasurer I appoint... myself.

EA doesn't sell franchises period. They might farm out, like they more or less did with Privateer 2, but they'll never sell. Chris Roberts has his own space sim line now, with Freelancer and its add-on still on the way. He's not going to compete with himself, even if he got the opportunity. Which he won't.
How about...?

Say... I heard another thing from the Gamespot feature about the Wing Commander movie. There was this deal, if Chris Roberts could make a profit around $30 millions, they might produce a sequel. But since the movie wasn't quite a success as we wish it had been, we might not see that sequel for quite a time.

But say, how about if we, as Wing Commander fans, gather some funds for Chris Roberts to produce a second movie.

Imagine, what it is like: 'Wing Commander 2 is the sequel to game-based movie directed by the game creator, and its funding came from half a million of the fans from around the world.'

Just think about it! :)

I doubt that WC even has half a milion fans. But lets say that it does, how much money could they raise?

You wouldn't expect people to start sending those nice $1,000 cheks to Mr. Roberts now would ye ladie.:)
And it would be rather hard for him to work out a system to repay everyone once he was done... (Like one would with movie funding.)

500,000 copies? More like over a million copies...

You want to know who bought them? Hundreds of thousands SW fans that couldn't wait for a new SW sim, gamers that like games with great action or story, people that just wanted to check out a game that came on 4 CD's with several hours of FMV with real actors. One of the major reasons for WC3' popularity was the fact that the whole game was huge.

Someone even posted on agwc that he sold a lot more CD drives just by showing the WC3 intro to customers.
It took WCESCRP 347 months to get 500 people to send them an e-mail. What makes you think you could get 50 to donate $10?
Okay... so finding around a million fans who are willing to donate money for a new WC movie is quite hard, but I'm sure there are several hard core fans... those who have an excess of resources and money to obtain virtually everything related to WC.

What does it take to convince them to give some donation?

I'm confident that you could never raise more than $1,000. A roll of film probably costs a lot more. Leave funding to production companies who have many millions of Dollars to pay for a movie. People don't need false hope based on silly ideas. Tough, but true.