what if WC was multiplayer.....

What would happen if you mixed the awesome gameplay of Wing Commander and the awesome multiplay of Ultima online?you get the sweetest game of the millenium,Wing Commander:Online. Ive been thinking about this alot so i have some really good ideas on how it can work, for example instead os using shards they can be Confed ships,like the Tcs.Bearclaw or something like that.You would start out with a starter plain for a few mission and every time you get a mission completed you get some money and with that money you can buy the body of any WC ship in any of the WC games ever made,and after you buy the body you then can buy any Missles or lasers the body can have.EXample:a rapier was bought and fit with 3 missles and 1 torpedo(2per wing)however this design can only have 1 laser b/c it has only 1 place to shoot the lasers from.So if you think this would be very cool email me

-Jakob Medlin
You don't work on a commission as a pilot. Besides...I'd much rather see Privateer online before Wing Commander online.
Hell, I'd much rather see ANY new Wing Commander game than none at all!

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
I agree! Especially, when you can trade or buy new ships for a particular mission. You'll have to survive the first two missions or so to get the much needed credit for upgrades. Then again, we could always resort to buccaneering for fast moolahs.
"I am a businesman, Avatar - Samhayne"

Dralthi5 said:
Hell, I'd much rather see ANY new Wing Commander game than none at all!

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I think that if ORIGIN had done a better job on Armada, an online Wing Commander game would have caught on and the Wing Commander series might still be alive today.

[This message has been edited by WildWeasel (edited October 20, 2000).]
Man even I was thinking about Wc Multi.It will surely double the funfactor.Boy I can hardly wait if they do it.I agree to ur posted message 100%
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WildWeasel said:
I think that if Origin had done a better job on Armada, an online Wing Commander game would have caught on and the Wing Commander series might still be alive today.(edited June 14, 2000).]
Yes, most definately. Oh wait, no, explain Proving Grounds, Wing Commander 3, 4, Prophecy and Secret Ops
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Oh, and Privateer 2. The execs must be pretty slow if it took them 7 years to realise that this Wing Commander business is not gonna work
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I hate to be the voice of pessimism, but I doubt WC online is gonna happen seeing as the canceled Privateer Online.
Now I'm depressed. I'm gonna go play my WC1 from PC Gamer to cheer me up.

"He has warrior spirit. It will be the death of him." Prince Thrakhath - End Run
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Well, no, WC Online was Privateer Online. The project was cancelled because the EA executives believe they'll make a lot more money off several Ultima Online games. If (or rather, when) they realise it's not gonna happen, and there's a market for space sims, I'm sure they'll pick up where they left off. Whether it will be an online game or a traditional game will depend on the market at that moment in time.
KrisV said:

Yes, most definately. Oh wait, no, explain Proving Grounds, Wing Commander 3, 4, Prophecy and Secret Ops

What I meant was that if Armada had been done better there might have been a stronger market for multiplayer Wing Commander games. A series could have evolved which would have persuaded the guys at EA not to cancel Wing Commander. I'm not saying that Armada was responsible for Wing Commander's downfall, but it could have helped to keep it alive.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

[This message has been edited by WildWeasel (edited October 20, 2000).]
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I haven't a clue how popular or unpopular Armada was in its days, but I seriously doubt one non-mainstream game had any effect whatsoever on things to come...
It had to have sold fairly well for them to bother with add ons... And it wasn't really an important game in the series... It ranks just above Acadamy for its additions to the Universe (and that really isn't saying much). I don't think at any point Armada had much of an impact on anything buisnesswise for OSI or EA nor could it have.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
I think if they were to make an on-line WC game it would need strategy elements. Perhaps if you reached a high enough rank you could be given command of your own capship and then could control it in a fashion a bit like say X-Com Interceptors strategy elements. Then if you got promoted higher you get a better Capship and stuff.
The only problem is, that a cap ship is operated by dozens of crew members. If you want a Multiplayer game that does that, you won`t be able to do it in realtime.
1 man fighters, on the other hand, as their name suggests, are operated by one man, and that you can control in realtime.
And the fact that Interceptor sucked... The strategy was bad and the combat was terrible.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Interceptor was actually the first game ever in wich I wasn't able to hit anything. Not 1 misirable saucer.

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara