What happend to Flash

In PS version of WC3, you can have a wingman

When playing WC3 on the Sony PlayStation it is possible to have a wingman when you fight Thrakhath. Before you cloak, you encounter a guy named Stalker (he's piloting a Stranka). You should have a wingman. Do not cloak until you're real far away (you'll have to manually fly escorting your wingman to keep wingman from shooting him -- you're to act as bait for Stalker -- he'll try to attack you, let him, evade him, and let your wingman kill him. He'll "resurrect" himself and his fighter and you'll have to redo the whole process all over again. Just keep flying and evading manually to the next nav point. Sooner or later you'll be far away from Stalker (but he still appears on your com). Your AUTO NAV lights will light up and should stay lit if the new Stalker hasn't come into your proximity. At this time, activate your cloak, then click on your autopilot to automatically get you to the next nav point. You should be at Hobbes' & Thrakhath's position. There should be other fighters nearby as well. What I do is I typically knock out those other fighters first, then a new wave of fighters comes -- I knock them out next. Each fighter you fight -- have your wingman attack your target. Finally it's down to just you & your wingman, Hobbes & Thrakhath. Thrakhath. Have your wingman target Hobbes, then Thrakhath. I did complete all this on nightmare setting without invincibility.
Hmmm. To be perfectly honest with you I would kind of prefer to take on Thrakhath & Hobbes alone - after all Blair does have a score, well several really, to settle with those 2 & I don't think he'd want someone else chipping in on it.
The real problem I had with this mission is that if I got that far & still had wingman I would end up having to kill that wingman myself since Stalker's so useless & has the proverbial 'nine lives.'
Do you think its interesting that Hobbes should choose to stick with the ole Thud VII, when he's got the whole Kilrathi arsenal of fighters to choose from? Sounds terribly unpatriotic ;)
After flying in Confed fighters for more than a decade, I'm pretty sure he'd rather stick with what he's used to.:) Plus, the T-bolt is much better than anything the Kilrathi have, save the Bloodfang himself.
Nice point Earthworm. Nevertheless I'm not sure that the Kilrathi techs could've adequately serviced the Thud. Anyways not only is it unpatriotic it also demonstrates that Hobbes hasn't much faith in the flying abilities of Thrak & the other kitties ;)
Oops. Oh yeah. I think the WC3 Bloodfang is awfully overrated. Even excusing the AI it didn't seem that formidable. The guns on the Thud could really chew up a Bloodfang.

[Edited by Penguin on 11-15-2000 at 23:50]
Well, it's front armor and shields are about the same as Excals, though it's rear armor is much better. The Bloodfang is also more nible IIRC, and faster, though it's guns do appear to be weaker, and it has less missiles. But overall it seems to be a pretty good match against the Excal, and if Thrak wasn't so self centered, and would have his best pilots flying in those, the Kilrathi could have been more sucesfull against Blair.:) (meaning that Blair would only have couple dozen kills on the killboard instead of few hundred:))
I'm not sure if getting more Kilrathi to fly Bloodfangs would make them more formidable. After all Blair has to kill them all, regardless of what fighter they're flying, in order to progress to the winning conclusion of WC3.

Besides getting hundreds of kills makes WC fun :)
And what other way is there to topple Maniac's 2000 confirmed kills?
You mean no one told you? If you kill Maniac early in WC1 he'll never have a chance to score 2000 kills.:)

Friendly fire wasn't invented for nothing you know...
I don't think I have to tell you what you should do when Maniac is, ahem... resurected...

Just make sure that Eisen doesn't see you, he's not to found of pilots who shot down their own.:)
Forget Eisen, I'm more worried about Tolwyn. If he finds out I dusted Maniac he'd have a real reason to ditch me permanently.
Anyways Tolwyn must've had a little faith in Blair since he did let Blair fly combat missions back when Blair was new to Connie. That's not something you do if you're sure that Blair's a traitor.
Ditch you? Hell, he'd give you a promotion :).

I think that in the first part of WC2, Angel just kinda squeezed your name onto the flight roster while Tolwyn wasn't looking :).

I like to believe, though, that one mission in particular made a vast difference to Tolwyn's opinion - the Stingray rescue mission. Afterwards, when you told him you'd do it again if you had to, he actually grinned.
What promotion? Tolwyn doesn't know Maniac's alive. If he found out Blair's just killed a Confed pilot it'd be off to the gallows.
Yeah that Stingray mission was somewhat odd - I mean you rescue Stingray, then afterwards he tries to thank Blair & Blair explodes saying "Is this what I have to do to earn respect around here!" or something to that effect. Gee what a grouch, :( Stingray was just trying to be grateful.
But those Blair/Tolwyn scenes were the best -
Blair: "I just lost a wingman (Shadow) saving the Concordia. Where was the help?" [words to that effect.]
Tolwyn: "I don't like your tone."
Blair: "I don't give a damn!"
Re: In PS version of WC3, you can have a wingman

Originally posted by Chip
When playing WC3 on the Sony PlayStation it is possible to have a wingman when you fight Thrakhath

i've done that as well, but on the pc version

and about the thud...according the the victory streak, it and the excalibur have the same shield ratings...

and in the game, i've managed to pull flash right upto nuking kilrah - there is that scene where flash is on the bed going "i bet u never thought i'd make it this far" or something like that...i remember "and all we gotta do is nuke kilrah and i can get back to some serious flying" yeh...somethign like that...

what i wanna know is whether vaquero got that chance to set up that nice little cafe and guitar :)
Well, after playing WC1 and 2 several times, I decided to use the Origin [Alt-Ins] cheat (cos doing so counts as a kill in your favour, unlike in WC3 onwards) and I tallied up well over 1000 at the end of WC2 SO2, maybe even over 1500. So after WC3 and 4, it wouldn't be hard for Blair to get over the puny 2000 of Maniac's. Well, they might not count WC4, cos of political reasons.

Hobbes had some influence in getting Blair on the roster too, BTW.

And Q, I didn't notice Tolwyn grinning. I just remember the "consider yourself reprimanded" line, which I thought was uncharacteristically light, coming from the admiral. And I thought was a bit unsporting of Blair rejecting Stingray's thanks as well.
Re: Re: In PS version of WC3, you can have a wingman

Originally posted by StarLight
what i wanna know is whether vaquero got that chance to set up that nice little cafe and guitar :)
Vaquero was killed by Hobbes when he was trying to escape.
It was a bit unsporting of Blair to reject Stingray's thanks, but I think it's understandable. After all, he was still considered a traitor by some, and a loser by others. And Stingray was quite vocal in his criticism of Blair right until his rescue - so, Blair justifiably saw Stingray's thanks in a bitter light.
Sometimes I wonder how the hell did Confed almost lose the war when so many pilots have such high kill ratios?
(you needn`t bother answering)
I think it was meant for the story line were cofed is loosing the war and all of asodin blair comes in with the tembler bomb and boom he saves the day once agein:)
Originally posted by Quarto
Blair justifiably saw Stingray's thanks in a bitter light.

Well, I'm glad he [Blair] lightened up by SO1, attitudes like that can be very demoralising. Especially if it adds weight to the traitor idea.