212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
Just because the game has Wing Commander in the title doesn't mean it will be a good game.
Actually, since every Wing Commander game made from Secret Ops on back has been excellent in every way - why would that change now? Simply because you're cynical and haven't played the game (let alone bothered to read the rest of this thread?)
I mean if you look at the Wing Commander games, especially three and four, personally I felt they were just film productions with mediocre gameplay just thrown in.
Yes, I'm sure one would think that if they never, ever bothered listening any critique by any gaming magazine, website, fan or industry person since the series' first installment.
Because, you know, ladies are so attracted to blatant ignorance.
I mean who's to say this game won't just be all flash and graphics, but having absolutely no gameplay what so ever.
You realize you just shot yourself in the foot there. "Wing Commander games are bad because they have story and plot along with flying! What if this game also has great flying as well?! That means its a failure!"
Thats usually the problem with these arcade simulator things, they usually take away what made the series great in the first place.
You just bitched that you didn't like any prior incarnation of Wing Commander. So we should suddenly take your uneducated opinion on a game you haven't played yet?
Pull the other one, jerk.
Personally I never put stock in videos and interviews, people make those things to sell their product anyway, wait till the game actually comes out before I can even make an opinion.
How dare people talk about things you obviously know nothing about! Thats a violation of your human rights! All things should be cleared with AApt24 before people discuss them.
Once again, having an opinion on anything (least of all - on the internet) does not make you bulletproof.
I don't want to be pessimistic
Yeah, because I'm swimming in your optimism over here, lemme tell you.
but there hasn't been a wing commander game in years
Well, Secret Ops was eight years ago. Prophecy Advanced was about three years.
And we've also had fanmods like Stand-Off, UE (voiced by yours truly), Saga, a Homeworld Mod and several more "in the chute".
Safe to say that our fan base has been very busy without the likes of you pissing down our leg to make himself feel better.
that they might miss the bigger picture
The only one missing the big picture here is you.
stagnant franchise.
Because a new game constitutes "stagnant".
Don't let the perverbial door hit you on the ass on your way out.