
Actually the repair druid was a hard-working man and overhauled the entire site. The updated version is online by now.

I'm sorry for the problem with the broken linux download and hope you guys can forgive me :)
I can see the tagline for a new movie

"Space Druids: Monks in mechs with a *bad* attitude" :-)
You heard it here first
Space Druids?


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ScAvenger001 said:
Sorry, but this just made me think of the Retros and/or assorted toaster-worshipping cultists. "I will heal this technology with my prayers and druidic connection with nature!"

Completely off topic. My apologies. Just pretend I said something really witty.

somehow I take offense to that... maybe its cuz Im Wiccan and I know some damn fine people who are druids and not 'toaster-worshipping cultists'.
Unregistered said:
somehow I take offense to that... maybe its cuz Im Wiccan and I know some damn fine people who are druids and not 'toaster-worshipping cultists'.
Maybe it's because your skin is way too thin. scavenger was not equating druids with toaster worshipping cultists, he was making a joke about the strange pairing of the words "repair druid" that came about from a misspelling of the word "droid."

I doubt you know anyone who calls himself a repair druid. It seems like you are really stretching to create a sense of victimhood. Congratulations look at you you are different.
Well this was just lighthearted joking around.
I'm sorry if you took offense Unregistered... though in my opinion if a druid really believed in him/herself then such comments wouldn't cause offense...because they are just lighthearted expressions that have nothing to do with real practices or real beliefs.

Personally I'm an atheist...which is probably the most despised religion of them all (the belief that there are no gods...)
Like any religion it's about what you *believe* and no one can classify you or bin you because of it unless you try to enforce your beliefs upon others.

So relax, and take heart... Hollywood is certainly something to be laughed at--which prompted my space druids comment...but it was not a commentary on people who believe certain things, but it was a commentary on B grade movies that keep cropping up in Sci Fi (anyone whose seen Equilibrium will know what I mean... I enjoyed that movie BTW but not for its intellectual content.)
MamiyaOtaru said:
I doubt you know anyone who calls himself a repair druid. It seems like you are really stretching to create a sense of victimhood. Congratulations look at you you are different.

I'm a Fourth Denomination Revisionist Repair Druid, and your post is offensive to all my brethren

whohoow guyz, I see that my post started very wild disscussion.I did not upset anyone!!!This is special to You John Cordell...I just want to help this great project!I just offered my services.That is all, nothing more.I promissed already to hellcat that I will do some new desgn, U all will see IF u like it or not.At leas fan site is a good idea.

And John Cordell I AM A MAN!

ok guyz thats it see ya soon
Hey Doro, your help is appreciated, if you have something special in your mind feel free to email me. The discussion you've started was necessary after all, so nevermind.

A fan site is also a great idea since we don't have one? ;) They're always perfect for newbies and attrackt more people.

"And John Cordell I AM A MAN!"
Got it :)