We might actually make it ...

Earthworm: Like I said, I could be mistaken. Obviously, I was
. Still, note that since fighters are always faster in the WC universe, a commercial ship would not reach that speed.

TC: No, the reason being that there's so many things to decide, and even then they'll probably go back on their decisions. It's like with WCP. They kept telling us that there would be multiplayer, and look where that got them
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Oh well... It would be kind of nice if I were the reason... It would make me feel special
(as well as get me flamed

Well... There may have been Multiplayer if they had waited until after the Christmas season.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Yes... Christmas. Yet again, Origin proved that as a large, corporate company, they couldn't understand the WC fans...
Well it probibly wasn't Origin (developers normally want there program to be perfect before it is shipped) but EA (the people who push are those who publish, or distribute and are further away from the actual development...)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
But then they gave us SO, or as I call it the AUWNMP (the Apology for the Ultimate Wrong of No Multi-Player). You can pronounce that however you want because I just made it up...


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Hehe. _I_ don't have to pronounce it
. I can get somebody from WC 1 to pronounce it for me
SO wasn't much of an apology, really. But it was a good way of doing a head count
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Well... It wouldn't really pronounce it for you... It would mouth it at you (you could do some really mean things with that and not have too many people notice...).

And even then it would only be pronounced as it is spelled... (Now I'm wondering what wing commander saying tttttttttttttttttttt looks like...)



CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Yeah, you could make it swear at people and stuff. Or you could make it say "buy more games like Wing Commander Two". Oh, wait. They've already done that
I just changed Paladin's phonetics line to ttttttttttttttttttttttt. He sat there with his teeth bared
. But then, when you say t, you do just bare your teeth (and use your tongue, but you can't see that when it's behind the teeth
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Yes, it does. Numbers tell the game that the character should pause for N amount of time. A full stop, for example, is a 5. A comma as I recall was a 4.
Where do you type in that stuff Quarto? What file?

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
It's in the briefing.* file of WC 1.
Note: This only works with KSaga. The original game compressed this file in a different manner, and no text could be found.

Hmm... I wonder if this happens in WC 2 as well...
TC: Oh, sorry. I didn't notice that. Nope, I don't think punctuation would do anything - that's why numbers are used for pauses.
Incidentally, I've now also managed to change whom you see in the recroom (ever seen two Maniacs side by side? Scary). But it's no use right now, because even though you see... say... Hunter, and it says "Talk to Hunter", when you click on him, you'll end up talking to whoever it is that you're really supposed to talk to (in the case of the first mission, Angel).
Perhaps, but it's quite a large file. The problem is finding the right spot to mess with. Otherwise, you just waste a whole lot of time.
Well, whadaya know. It does work with WC 2. Except that there are no separate phonetics lines in WC 2 - it just interprets the normal text. You know, this means that had they bothered to spend a few hours more on speech, they could have gotten really good lip-sync. But it probably wouldna have been worth the effort, since in the original WC 2 speech only appeared in the intro (and in flight, but that doesn't count).
Huzza... now if I had KS (I use the originals) I would go and do that myself...


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC