WCP Video Cutscene Skipping Solution Fix

It seems my board is not good enough for the wrapper. :(
GeForce4 MX 440 is just a GF2 with more power, it lacks the spiffy features of th GF3 on. Stuff like Vertex shaders and such.
Ah, that's too bad. :( Sorry, m8.
I've once tested it with my old Gf2 and the black boxes arround the missle and nav arrows were even more anoying than the bad crosshairs in D3D :(
Thanks THE_WUQKED That link was just the thing. I'll be rolling along with my WC fantasies! I'm going to post another thread concerning a new problem I'm having with an old game. Everyone please look there and help me out. Thanks! :D

What are DXDIAG? Ive tried all sound accelleration options and none of them work, and the vids keep skipping, i dunno wot 2 do:(
Just follow the above intructions

Start menu

Select run

type in dxdiag and click OK

This brings up the diagnostics menu.

Select the Sound options and move the sliders for sound acceleration to 0.

Tried this and save for a little bit of lip synch problems it now works find. Thanks to previous posters for the tip.

this is for a new XP machinne with Service pack 1, pentium 4 and an ATI Radion PCI Express graphics card.
Video skips also appear with terratec cards, and Areal vortex cards.

appaearantly it is not the audigy in specific, but hardware accelerated soundchips in general. so it is up to EA/origin or a fanatic to fix this...

is it even possible to run kilrathi saga's wc1 and 2 under win2k? have never read anything about this combo?
Its not only a pure hardware problem either. I can 'turn on' movie skipping by starting Game Commander 2 on my AWE 32 (ISA, non PnP)
Unique problems w/ WC3 + 4

Hey, I haven't read anywhere where this has been a problem, so I'm wondering if anyone can help me with it...

I'm trying to run WC3 and 4 off WinXP. I've downloaded the win95 patches and so I've been able to install and run both games with perfect sound and video...EXCEPT that once I'm in the cockpit flying a mission, my controls will randomly lockup--not the game, which continues to run and let enemies shoot me to pieces, but my controls will simply lock in one position for 5 seconds or so and then unlock. Does anyone know what might be causing this or how to fix it? I appreciate it great. I'm running a 2.66 Ghz P4 w/ 512 MB DRAM and a NIVIDA GeForce 4 448 Go video card. Thanks very much.
My bad

lme said:
Hey, I haven't read anywhere where this has been a problem, so I'm wondering if anyone can help me with it...

I'm trying to run WC3 and 4 off WinXP. I've downloaded the win95 patches and so I've been able to install and run both games with perfect sound and video...EXCEPT that once I'm in the cockpit flying a mission, my controls will randomly lockup--not the game, which continues to run and let enemies shoot me to pieces, but my controls will simply lock in one position for 5 seconds or so and then unlock. Does anyone know what might be causing this or how to fix it? I appreciate it great. I'm running a 2.66 Ghz P4 w/ 512 MB DRAM and a NIVIDA GeForce 4 448 Go video card. Thanks very much.

I'm sorry, I posted this question here in the wrong category!
Well... too bad the site's offline... Can't anybody upload that patch to another site, so I can get it? Pretty please!
Thank you TCSTigersClaw
The first link to the patch in your first post works and made Wing Commander movies not to skip anymore.
I've got an odd problem. I just changed my OS to WinXP and I'm trying to play Prophecy. When I first installed it, I had the video skip problem, so I installed HCI's video fix patch. That fixed that problem, but now I have a gameplay problem. Anytime during flight, when I'm getting a video message from the Midway, my controls lock up. In addition, sometimes they lock up intermittently in a fight with a lot of fighters (20 or so).

My system is an AthlonXP 2400+, 768MB memory, ATI Radion 8500DV video card. I'm using the sound on the motherboard (AC97).
It might've been better to start a new thread on this, because nobody's posted in this thread for almost ayear. :)

Anyway, I've never heard of your problem. Maybe un-installing and then re-installing will help?

I tried installing the Prophecy video patch but the new exe file that comes with it seems to be flawed. During the game things tend to sort of freeze. The game keeps playing and everything but most of my controls on my stick and the keyboard as well don't work right. You push a button and then wait for 5 seconds or more before they work. Obviously this makes game play almost impossible. It doesn't effect all missions and the ones that it does effect vary in severity. I can't turn acceleration off because then my box crashes. I tried the prophecy.cfg thing but windows xp doesn't seem to accept @prophecy.cfg as being legit. I'm out of ideas. Crappy thing is on my old box I had windows xp too but I didn't need any fix because everything worked fine.
try this again

I still have the video skipping problem. I've tried all of the suggested solutions to no avail. I have down loadedthe video patch but the exe that comes with it seems flawed. In the game in some levels my controls kind of freeze. I'll push a button on my stick and then wait 5 seconds or more before the game responds. Some levels are not effected and the ones that are vary in severity. Any other suggestions out there?
A newer version of the EXE with the video skip patch is included with the WCP Enhancement Pack:

When does your computer crash if you turn down acceleration? Neither of these things (crashing when turning down accel or 5-second skips after applying the patch) are very normal at all, and they give me the impression that your Windows installation might be getting kind of old or corrupted.
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