WC4 Remake

Hello everybody!
This project have me hyped!
I own the original 6CD MS-DOS version, which included Spanish subtitles and GUI, which GoG and Origin releases are lacking.
I was working long time ago with the OP of this thread: https://www.wcnews.com/chatzone/threads/russian-translation-of-wc4.27188/page-2#post-410884 trying to extract the spanish files of the disks, but the OP vanished.
If you are considering new language additions, I'd like to help.

Absolutely; and if you want to make a patch like the Russian one so it works on the original too I can give you pointers (although not too much time). With the wctoolbox it'd be even easier now.
Hello everybody!
This project have me hyped!
I own the original 6CD MS-DOS version, which included Spanish subtitles and GUI, which GoG and Origin releases are lacking.
I was working long time ago with the OP of this thread: https://www.wcnews.com/chatzone/threads/russian-translation-of-wc4.27188/page-2#post-410884 trying to extract the spanish files of the disks, but the OP vanished.
If you are considering new language additions, I'd like to help.

Hi @asso - thank you! We're always glad to hear from people who'd like to help out 😃
Absolutely; and if you want to make a patch like the Russian one so it works on the original too I can give you pointers (although not too much time). With the wctoolbox it'd be even easier now.
I'd like to play in Spanish with the GoG version, taking advantage of Hi-res videos and modern joystick input.
I'm not sure how to make the GoG version play other languages or how are you planning to implement additional languages to the remake.
I'm willing to extract all the spanish files from the game and provide it in a way that make them usable.
The "russian guy" was intercepting the original video calls to redirect it to the mkv ones, but that looked like a video filters and codecs nightmare.
Good evening all,

Art department here - reporting a new asset in the books and a new article to celebrate it. We've closed out the new and improved HF-66 Thunderbolt and updated the turntable animations in the media section accordingly. But, because you all are loyal fans, you get a bonus render of the pirate version. Enjoy!

let me ask yall this, will yall up the power of damage done by lasers, that was my biggest problem with the gameplay in the original game, I felt like it was always a missile fest or nothing.
let me ask yall this, will yall up the power of damage done by lasers, that was my biggest problem with the gameplay in the original game, I felt like it was always a missile fest or nothing.

I don't feel there is any point in this project if it doesn't improve the gameplay, and yes that may mean altering the stats; but I'm hopeful that with improved flight mechanics you will find more of your lasers landing hits than before.
I don't feel there is any point in this project if it doesn't improve the gameplay, and yes that may mean altering the stats; but I'm hopeful that with improved flight mechanics you will find more of your lasers landing hits than before.
Agreed - hopefully with some floating-point mathematics in the flight engine, the cockpit and crosshair won't jiggle about quite so much during fine manouvers 😉
Just FYI:
The page https://wcrespace.com/current-status/ contains a link named Recruitment Page in the last line of the post ("If you can help, please get in touch via the Recruitment Page.") which incorrectly links to http://wcrespace.com.com/testing/recruitment (notice the double .com) which in fact, triggers my adblocker.
Be careful.

Thanks, @asso - looks like a typo that got left in from the pre-launch build (that post, along with a couple of others, was written pre-launch, so the site could go live with some news content already on it). Fixed now :^)
I'd like to play in Spanish with the GoG version, taking advantage of Hi-res videos and modern joystick input.
I'm not sure how to make the GoG version play other languages or how are you planning to implement additional languages to the remake.
I'm willing to extract all the spanish files from the game and provide it in a way that make them usable.
The "russian guy" was intercepting the original video calls to redirect it to the mkv ones, but that looked like a video filters and codecs nightmare.

Most of the strings for WCIV are in isolated files which makes life easier.
Still I've enough on my plate with the remake; as I've said before - I'm happy to point someone technically minded in the right direction though.
Most of the strings for WCIV are in isolated files which makes life easier.
Still I've enough on my plate with the remake; as I've said before - I'm happy to point someone technically minded in the right direction though.
What will be preferred/needed? The original TRE files? Some ripped out version with timestamps? (like the russian guy who was creating SRT subs files in order to inject it to mkv files).
I'd really like to help and IF I can play the remaster in spanish and contribute to the project I'll be happy to help.
Hello to everyone.
This zip contains the English and Spanish subs in .srt format for the first video in the game (SC_0010A.vob).
I don't know how are you managing the video remaking and if you are considering adding subtitles to the game. I don't know if you are going to stick with the VOB format or if you are going to "reroute" in some kind of way in order to manage matroska files which allows to have "video fragments" for the interactive parts of the videos.
The "russian guy" who started all of this tried to reroute the video loading with some video filters in order to alter the VOB playing on the fly and replacing it with mkv instead, but I got a lot of headaches and nothing working.
I want to help to achieve a multilingual release, just let me know.


Hello to everyone.
This zip contains the English and Spanish subs in .srt format for the first video in the game (SC_0010A.vob).
I don't know how are you managing the video remaking and if you are considering adding subtitles to the game. I don't know if you are going to stick with the VOB format or if you are going to "reroute" in some kind of way in order to manage matroska files which allows to have "video fragments" for the interactive parts of the videos.
The "russian guy" who started all of this tried to reroute the video loading with some video filters in order to alter the VOB playing on the fly and replacing it with mkv instead, but I got a lot of headaches and nothing working.
I want to help to achieve a multilingual release, just let me know.

Thats excellent thanks.
What I had been doing was creating a yaml file with all of the subtitles extracted from the English version and then translated.
That said if we managed to use srt files it would let people view subtitles independently of the game so it could be worth switching over just for movies.
Hi all! Stumbled across this project after picking up WCIV yesterday on sale at GOG. I'm so excited to see where this goes.

I'm a composer / sound designer working on indie games and for various Disney projects. If you need any help with music/sound, feel free to hit me up. Can't guarantee I can make the time, but it'd be awesome to contribute in some way.
Hi all! Stumbled across this project after picking up WCIV yesterday on sale at GOG. I'm so excited to see where this goes.

I'm a composer / sound designer working on indie games and for various Disney projects. If you need any help with music/sound, feel free to hit me up. Can't guarantee I can make the time, but it'd be awesome to contribute in some way.

I've sent you a PM
Thats excellent thanks.
What I had been doing was creating a yaml file with all of the subtitles extracted from the English version and then translated.
That said if we managed to use srt files it would let people view subtitles independently of the game so it could be worth switching over just for movies.
I'll keep on working with srt then (I don't know yaml) and hope you can parse it without too much hassle.