WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

ok all, confed is ready barring the final addition of shields, tweaks on the HQ and building of the shipyard. which brings me to a question about there ever being a shipyard shown in the WC universe. WC4 had the scafolding type shipyard for building the vesuvius, but this will look odd in game because its hollow in the centre. cant have such a large ship suddenly spawn in the centre of a hollow shipyard :P. anybody with any references/ideas?
LOAF made an interesting suggestion with something like the Perry Naval Base from the opening of the Wing Commander movie.

However, that makes me wonder how it would "appear" on the map. The HW2 shipyard jumps in - and while Perry has a NAVCOM, it doesn't jump it's self (though LOAF tells me it does have the ability to move with sublight engines)
czacen said:
ok all, confed is ready barring the final addition of shields, tweaks on the HQ and building of the shipyard. which brings me to a question about there ever being a shipyard shown in the WC universe. WC4 had the scafolding type shipyard for building the vesuvius, but this will look odd in game because its hollow in the centre. cant have such a large ship suddenly spawn in the centre of a hollow shipyard :P. anybody with any references/ideas?

Theres a spacedock floating around in the Spearadon system: https://www.wcnews.com/news/update/6802 Theres a cutscene of a fighter assembly plant in the CD version that isn't on the DVD so I don't have any screen grabs of that.

LeHah said:
...something like the Perry Naval Base from the opening of the Wing Commander movie.


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I've uploaded a small zip archive (765kb) of 21 images of Pegasus from WCM R2 DVDhere.

Attached are some images of the Confed Fighter Shipyard in the Speradon system from WC4 (PC CD).




  • Speradon-Shipyard-01.jpg
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  • Speradon-Shipyard-02.jpg
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  • Speradon-Shipyard-03.jpg
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  • Speradon-Shipyard-04.jpg
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  • Speradon-Shipyard-05.jpg
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Interestingly, well for the video pedants out there at least :p , the last two frames of the exterior Speradon shipyard shot appear to show (top left section clearing from the large foreground asteroid) a growing jump point exit, immediately followed by a not altogether continuous cut to a new shot of the Intrepid exiting a jump point. Were these supposed to be one and the same?




  • Speradon-Shipyard-Jump-01.jpg
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  • Speradon-Shipyard-Jump-02.jpg
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  • Speradon-Shipyard-Jump-03.jpg
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If so, it's just lazyness/time constraints on the point of the 3d artist in just reusing stock jump footage. If not, who knows...
TonViper said:
If so, it's just lazyness/time constraints on the point of the 3d artist in just reusing stock jump footage. If not, who knows...
Well, I don't begrudge Origin for reusing the shot indicated by the third image to show the Intreprid's entry into the Speradon system, but if the apparent jump aperture as shown in the first two images above was meant to be further developed to show the Intrepid's arrival within the existing shot (i.e. the Speradon Shipyard facility), then it would appear unfinished in its current form given the discontinuity between the apeture already opening in the first images and then re-opening in the shot indicated by the third image.

If it is an unfinished shot, then it is kind of neat from a geeky fan perspective, as while I'm sure many of us have watched the various game cinematics multiple times, this occurence is so fleeting (2 frames out of a ~480 frame sequence) as to remain hidden under anything but almost forensic observation -- I only noticed it by chance while seeking through the sequence frame by frame in VirtualDub for reference shots!


Indeed. I remember once, years ago when I got a hold of an extractor tool and went to work on the WC4 cutscenes. Got about halfway through before a HDD crash ruined my fun. :(

Oh well, with 7 Drives you're bound to lose one now and again... (and again, and again in my case) :p
BrynS said:
Well, I don't begrudge Origin for reusing the shot indicated by the third image to show the Intreprid's entry into the Speradon system, but if the apparent jump aperture as shown in the first two images above was meant to be further developed to show the Intrepid's arrival within the existing shot (i.e. the Speradon Shipyard facility), then it would appear unfinished in its current form given the discontinuity between the apeture already opening in the first images and then re-opening in the shot indicated by the third image.

If it is an unfinished shot, then it is kind of neat from a geeky fan perspective, as while I'm sure many of us have watched the various game cinematics multiple times, this occurence is so fleeting (2 frames out of a ~480 frame sequence) as to remain hidden under anything but almost forensic observation -- I only noticed it by chance while seeking through the sequence frame by frame in VirtualDub for reference shots!



Comparing shots, the scene used in the DVD version looks like a similar jump vortex yet the intrepid enters the scene almost mirrored to the screenshot you took. THere is no shipyard stuff, but after it jumps in - in a continuous shot - you see the Intrepid physically meet up with the "fleet action" in speradon.

It's entirely possible a more complex scene was initialy planned. The Circe intro, though made up of a number of different (CGI) shots, makes up a more cohesive whole. It starts with the tanks. Some vindicators blow up some enemy tanks. Then it cuts to a shot of the vindicators leaving the planet while explosions from the battle can be seen on the surface, then to a shot of the vidicators going from orbit back to a fleet bind which a jump vortex opens and the intrepid jumps in. In this instance it all becomes one scene. The intrepid is obviously jumping in amid an ongoing and current confrontation. People are dying on the planet even as the ship is jumping in.

In the Spearadon context, the factory shot as is, is contextless and serves little narative purpose. The shot should be establishing purpose ( a sense of "AHH! that's what we're here after) and I suppose it does so to a degree as is, but I guess were just being hopeful that it may have been originaly intended as a longer establishing shot where the intrepid enters the system inrelation to the shipyards and the fleet.

From a purely logic point of view though, why would they bother putting a factory so close to the jump point in the first place?
AD said:
From a purely logic point of view though, why would they bother putting a factory so close to the jump point in the first place?

You typically do put manufacturing facilities next to major transportation hubs. It's not a bother. You have raw materials coming in and finished goods going out constantly. Speradon wouldn't have been considered any sort of dangerous region at the start of WC4, so I don't see any reason not to build a factory there.
ChrisReid said:
You typically do put manufacturing facilities next to major transportation hubs. It's not a bother. You have raw materials coming in and finished goods going out constantly. Speradon wouldn't have been considered any sort of dangerous region at the start of WC4, so I don't see any reason not to build a factory there.

Good point. I guess I was thinking of a wartime situation...
have been working overtime this weekend so i havent touched base for a while. tested out a few shield systems on the concordia today and while the shields work like a dream they seem to simltaneously cancel out turrets from firing. very weird. going to need some more time to implement this. thanks for the feedback on the shipyards. going to run though a few designs on my own when a get a free moment with a sketchpad. hopefully i wont have to make it hollow but if i do ill try to make it look exciting.
You could always choose to go the same route SW Warlords went, with the enclosed scaffolding design and animated gate. More work to do though...
ton could you send me a few images of this. could be a good idea. i might try to get around the animated gate, but the general desing might be perfect. can we get some screens of this. post them here so we can get a WC community call on the design.


- aaron
Ton those pics are quite confusing. i cant actually figure out if im seeing it from the front or side, or even where the door is. can we get a few pics ingame just from a few diff views?
i have just witnessed the most shocking event of my life. i dont know it people are aware of the bombings that have taken place in the city were i live (mumbai - india) just few hours ago, but i can assure you that it is by some rare luck that i am alive to post this message right now. 7 bombs were simultaneously triggered blowing up the mass transit railway system . the transport system carries its largest load at end of the working day, mainly between 6 and 7pm and this is exactly the time that these bombs have gone off. 163 dead 500+ injured, and had i been 5 or 10 mins earlier to the train station on my way home today i would very much be one of those casualties. in fact i arrived so shortly after the bombings that i was witness to the horrific scene of a dismembered body being lifted from the tracks. the city is now in a high state of emergency and most people are stranded on highways and are most probably going to spend the night in their cars and in busses. i have just arrived home after 4 hours of travel in the most chaos i have ever seen, and managed to call my family and tell them that all is well. but this has been an incredibly traumatic event. it is already being called the 7/11 bombings. i dont know why i am writing this here but i just feel like i need to get this out, and i pray for all those suffering and thank god for just the sheer luck which has kept me alive.
WOW, glad to hear you're ok! That sounds really terrible and traumatic. Hopefully you can take the day/a couple days off to recover and make sure you keep your stress level down. I'll be praying for you and all those effected, and it's definitely appropriate to thank God that you're alive. Take it easy buddy.