Well, I don't begrudge Origin for reusing the shot indicated by the third image to show the Intreprid's entry into the Speradon system, but if the apparent jump aperture as shown in the first two images above was meant to be further developed to show the Intrepid's arrival within the existing shot (i.e. the Speradon Shipyard facility), then it would appear unfinished in its current form given the discontinuity between the apeture already opening in the first images and then re-opening in the shot indicated by the third image.
If it is an unfinished shot, then it is kind of neat from a geeky fan perspective, as while I'm sure many of us have watched the various game cinematics multiple times, this occurence is so fleeting (2 frames out of a ~480 frame sequence) as to remain hidden under anything but almost forensic observation -- I only noticed it by chance while seeking through the sequence frame by frame in VirtualDub for reference shots!