Thanks guys.
It's been a real blast working on the mod and as I mentioned to Aaron, I was very much looking forward to going
"all the way to Kilrah" with the mod, as it were.
I've been continually amazed over the past few months with Aaron's incredibly detailed and professional models for the mod, not to mention the significant programming and script changes he's already made to turn another much-loved franchise in
Homeworld, more and more into the universe we all know and respect as
Wing Commander.
I'm really glad that the project has someone of Aaron's calibre at the helm and I'm sure you will all enjoy playing it as much as I've enjoyed helping in a small way to make it a memorable and compelling Wing Commander experience.
I'll be following the development as best I can and will pop into the forums when I'm able -- I can't wait to play the final release against other Wingnuts!
Final Additions
Before I head off on Friday, I will be releasing few more bits and pieces including the oft-delayed CIC 8th Birthday tribute.
I'll also release a single zip archive of all the reference images captured for the mod which anyyone is free to use for any other WC pursuit. I've extracted all of the unique WC4 music tracks from the WC4 DVD via Game Audio Player and upsampled them to 16-bit Stereo, 44.1Hz uncompressed WAV files from the original 8-bit Mono, 22.05Hz encodings (Uncompressed the audio comes to about 220MB and runs at about ~45-minutes, but I'll upload a ~80MB RAR -- Zip is 160MB
Obviously, upsampling an already lossy and downconverted source yields negligible fidelity improvements, but the resulting tracks should be more suitable for mixing and editing in other projects. I'm just tracking down all the music credits from the WC4 DVD to add to the pack readme and will then send the download link to Aaron. If it's ok with the CIC, then I would be happy for them to archive the pack for other fan projects if they want -- Aaron will be able to pass on the download link when it's online.
Aaron, I've e-mailed you a copy of GAP 1.32 and will update the audio extraction thread re: WC3/WC4 in this forum shortly with a mirrored download link, usage instructions and screenshots for extracting the WC4 audio.