You won't believe me... but...... WING COMMANDER 3 KILRATHI SAGA work FINE with my 2.8 Ghz....... I don't believe it myself
And the worst is that it is by pure fate that I found my solution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, I can play with the Kilrathi SAGA during more than one hour without crash. The game crash yes, but very very rarely !!!! At last I have found a solution....
Hey... I know the solution is Absurd yes... but But as I said it to you, I discovered it accidentally. I wanted to register words (Maniac and so else) in Wing Commander IV with AUDACITY ( And that did'nt work...I thought so (it arrives at me LoL)... AND...I thought that by assigning more power (since the administrator of tasks) to Audacity, sound would record correctly and THAT WORK... So I have recorded some features in WC4 and.... I told me : why not to try Wing Commander III.. Just to record introduction. So I launched game without option of compatibility by trying. I immediately made ALT+ENTER (like WC4) to see how worked Audacity.
And there, paradoxically, Wing Commander III did not block. I was able to play 3 missions in succession WITHOUT ERRORS. I deactivated scenes in options but game works also with. Then, I pushed test farther : I loaded a mission which asks for the CD 4 and Oh surprised... Game works PERFECTLY. It blocks but very rarely. But it is necessary that Audacity runs behind plan which turns with the regulation in the administrator of tasks (I put it " IN real time").
Without AUDACITY and this regulation, game works (why?? It did not work yesterday... But yesterday Internet was connected and AntiVirus actived) but it blocks about every 45 minutes.
TO NOTE ALSO THAT MY CONNECTION INTERNET WAS DISCONNECTED!!!!! My card network was activated but the cable eas disconnected. The antivirus was deactivated and any program behind plan too. Firewall was activated. Antivirus and Firewall at Mcaffee.
I'm so happy...... I hope that "this solution" will work....
We can try to configure WC3 with MAXIMUM POWER from the CPU (RELA TIME)... Maybe it will work too. So they are a relation to the power...
Have a good day
Tomorrow, I re started schcool