WC3 Arrow and Hellcat guns?


Rear Admiral
I've seen sources saying that the WC3 Arrow had the same guns as the WC4 and other sources saying that the WC3 Arrow had dual Lasers and dual Meson Blasters.

For the WC3 Hellcat I've seen sources saying it had dual Lasers and dual Particle Guns and I've seen sources listing dual Lasers and dual Neutron Guns, or dual Particle guns and dual Neutron Guns.

So which sources are correct?
In-game Wing Commander III the Hellcat has neutron guns and ion cannons. Victory Streak lists laser and ion cannons as the armament, though, which is where that confusion comes from.

The Hellcat in Wing Commander IV has particle and ion cannons.
Bandit LOAF said:
In-game Wing Commander III the Hellcat has neutron guns and ion cannons. Victory Streak lists laser and ion cannons as the armament, though, which is where that confusion comes from.

The Hellcat in Wing Commander IV has particle and ion cannons.
