WC1 Kilrathi

Don't you fly a Kilrathi ship in SM2 (been soooo damn long since I last played it)? Which one is it, and does it have its own cockpit?
Are there stats for the firing points? I'm going to port the GTF Apollo from the original FreeSpace to WC2, and I need firing points for the gun mounts and missile banks.

Anyway, here's the details that I have come up for the WC2 Apollo (I haven't touched the editor yet):

GTF Apollo
Class: Medium Fighter
Length: 21 meters
Weapons: 2x Particle Cannon, 2x Mass Driver (Will later be changed to 2x Avenger, 2x Prometheus when I make new weapons)
Missiles: 3x Spiculum IR, 3x Pilum FF (will be replaced with 10 x MX-50, 10 x Interceptor when I make new weapons)
Shields (Fore/Aft): 32/32 cm
Shields (Top/Bottom/Front/Rear): 24/24/24/24 cm
Max Speed: 600 kps
Max AB Speed: 1400 kps
Max Yaw: 7 dps
Max Pitch: 7 dps
Max Roll: 5 dps
Acceleration: Average
Woolie Wool said:
Don't you fly a Kilrathi ship in SM2 (been soooo damn long since I last played it)? Which one is it, and does it have its own cockpit?

Yup, you can fly the Dralthi II in Secret Missions 2 -- it does have its own cockpit.
If the Tiger's Claw was destroyed in SM2, that means you lost. And the Dralthi II is part of the main story of the game. Perhaps you don't remember it? You only got to fly it.. Twice? Thrice?
Woolie Wool said:
Post a pic [of the Dralthi cockpit]

Also, I must've lost then. The last mission I played involved the Claw facing unstoppable opposition which destroyed it in seconds. There might have been Strakhas in the failing mission, maybe not, I dunno.
The last mission of SM2 was a bitch, yes. I know it took me a few tries to beat it. But Strakhas, or any cloaking ship, didn't show themselves in the games until WC2.