WC1 Era Kilrathi Corvettes?

Aron Figaro

Do any exist, mentioned in a book I haven't read, or SWC, or anything similar? A quick browse through the Ships Database yielded nothing so I figured I'd just post to see if any were known to be in service.
Yes... and no. Freedom Flight mentions corvettes, so we know they exist, but other than that, there are only traces of them left over in the games but not used (and therefore, not official) - there are graphics for the Spikeri-class corvette in SWC, and the stats for the same class of corvette inside WC1's exe file. We don't know if there was any Spikeri sprites made for WC1 - although personally I tend to think that the WC2 demo version of the Bloodfang may have actually been the Spikeri.
There aren't actually graphics for the Spikeri in Super Wing Commander -- they were a left over model in a developers collection, the sprites don't actually appear in the game.

Note that Freedom Flight specifically mentions Kamekhs (in Hunter's tally of capital ships destroyed) and that Wing Commander Academy also features a couple episodes with Kamekhs in them.
Pretty much.. 2654 is definitely mid war, not early war. It's pretty reasonable for a lot of ships to be consistent between WC1/2654 and WC2/3 in the later sixties, but relatively fewer ships from the 2630s and 40s would be around. It depends on the timeframe that you're setting your project in.
You have a good point, I always look at WC1 as "early war" because of us not having any more information about it, but in reality that would most definitely be midwar. Are there any major sources of info about the war before WC1, besides, IIRC, Action Stations which I have not yet read?
hmm, the general appearnce of the kamekh is very much wc-2, with the "warp-drive" like extensions, and unlike the wc1 appearance with the split nose(see snakier,fralti, ralari etc)
You have a good point, I always look at WC1 as "early war" because of us not having any more information about it, but in reality that would most definitely be midwar. Are there any major sources of info about the war before WC1, besides, IIRC, Action Stations which I have not yet read?

Action Stations is the only story set before the 'WC1 era' (whose first story would be Red and Blue, the first Academy episode)... that said, we've formed a very cogent picture of the first twenty years of the war through many references over the years. We probably know a lot more about the twenty years before the original Wing Commander than we do the nine years after it.

hmm, the general appearnce of the kamekh is very much wc-2, with the "warp-drive" like extensions, and unlike the wc1 appearance with the split nose(see snakier,fralti, ralari etc)

That's because it was designed by the WC2 art team. You'll find that the Kamekh in Privateer looks like it belongs with the other Privateer ships, too. :)

From an 'in universe' perspective, very few ships are *new* when a new game comes out.
There are i'm found spikeri class corvette, but... Thet is are info from this plase:
"The Spikeri-class corvette has been around since the 2640s. It has served as target practice for Confederation pilots who had nothing better to do. Its purpose as a light escort ship was unfulfilled, and these ships soon became useless in the Kilrathi Navy. When the Kilrathi engineers finally smartened up, the Spikeris were eventually phased out and were replaced by the more potent Kamekh-class."


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Keep in mind that a substantial amount of text at Fleet Tactics, including that Spikeri review, is fiction created by the authors of the site.
Yep. And in this particular case, they intentionally undervalue the Spikeri in order to justify its non-appearance in games.
There's also a disclaimer on the site which you've apparently, like half the people who post here using Fleet Tactics to justify their POV, ignored.

"And last, while I tried to make my project as close to WC as possible, it will be arrogant to say that my stuff is canon. By estimates, the entire page is about 90% canon and 10% made up "liberties". It doesn't matter how much work I put into this to make it an appealing WC experience, the fact still remains that I am just a WC fan and I am not from Origin. In other words, please do not take my work as official canon undebatable information. You are free to read and cherish all you like, but don't rely on it when you discuss it. By this request, I would prefer that you do not make any future arguments about WC and cite information from my website as "canon" to fuel your arguments. And if any newbie tries to argue on any internet forum "yer wrong LOAF, my (insert lame argument here) is right because Fleet Tactics has specifically said that..(insert generic content)...", I do not claim responsibility for any accusations that imply that I was the influence to your assclownery. "

The only other Kilrathi corvette that I recall in-game are the WC3/4/P ones with the split-body. We don't have much data on the Spikeri outside of the graphics and a few stats in the game engine, as noted near the start of the thread.
Might be a good idea to make that part of an e-signature warranty at the very front of the Fleet Tactics page...
Sure, it you want everyone to stop visiting Fleet Tactics. I mean, is there anything more annoying than unnecessary agreement form popups?

It's really not a big deal. In fact, it often leads to very productive discussions. Remember, Fleet Tactics includes all sorts of made-up info, but they tried to be rational about what they made up - and there have been at least a few situations where an otherwise fairly uninteresting request-for-info thread turned into a much more interesting discussion about what could and couldn't be extrapolated from the canon, all because somebody quoted a bit of made-up info from Fleet Tactics.
Quarto said:
Sure, it you want everyone to stop visiting Fleet Tactics. I mean, is there anything more annoying than unnecessary agreement form popups?

Hmm, what are these "popups" you mention? I don't see any there.

(Just the little exclamation point inside a yellow star, in the status bar, that says popups are blocked. :D )
You make an excellent point when you say most ships that appear in the games are not new when they do so. I will definitely start downloading those Acadamy episodes, and try to find a copy of Action Stations, so I can properly handle the early war theatre.