WC Ships

The ship I disliked flying the least would most likely be the original Excalibur. It doesn't turn too slow or too fast of course in Kilrathi Saga you have more control over your turn rate without modifications. Of course I really liked my Enhanced Black Panther with four Pulse particles, slightly improved yaw capabilities, and and a good knowledge of how to combine it with the excellent yaw rate. BTW, Yaw is a turn to either the right or left, nautical terminlogy, pitch would be the bow raising of lowing hence the up/down direction.
As I long ago found the only praticle use for the squid which is antimissle/torpedo ship, I mounted two shield killer cannons on the black wasp and removed the cloudburst in favor of a longer ranged weapon. MAN did I shoot down some torps! Try it for yourself.
OK, my favorite ship, the FERRET the ship was fast and maneuverable and it's mass drivers fired fast enough that they could cause major damage. The epee sucked because that little loss of speed that was linked with the adding of more armour and the missiles slowed it enough that it was easy to catch so it lost its speed edge.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC