the landreich runs around with the escort carrier class that Tarawa is.
Fighters include Sabres, Rapiers, Raptors, Hornets, Ferrets, anything that's seriously vintage Confed.
They eventually get cat ships from the former KIS Karga (False Colors) thanks to the herculean efforts of Project Goliath. She's the FRLS Mjollnir (however you spell that)
Fighters then include: Strakha, Dralthi IV, Vaktoth, Darket, Pakhtahn. Zartoth EW, Kofar refueling shuttle.....Gratha Command & Control....and one other cat figther i can't remember....its another purpose built craft built on the Salthi hull....bah, i'll have to look it up.
They do also modify the hell out of their ships as Daniel said. The most notable was that modified ferret. It had a gilgamesh engine on it i think they said specifically, and a single gatling mass driver or something under the chin.
hope that helps.
Brad Mick