Top 5 favorite movies of 2015


Rear Admiral
what are your five favorite movies of the year and why. Does not mean it has to be the best, for instance I think Spotlight was the best made movie this yr, but did not make my top 5 favorite movies.

5. Mad Max Fury Road- Miller is back baby after making "Happy Feet"? Dude is older than the sand he filmed in, yet made one of the most satisfying action movies of the yr and maybe decade.

4. The Kingsmen- I love the director of this movie, Matthew Vaughn, he did kickass and xmen first class. if mad max was the best action film of the yr, kingsmen had the best action scene of the yr and without giving anything away, I can never hear the song freebird the same way again. On top of that the acting was superb, and the tongue and cheek spy movie worked way better than the boring spectre. Plus a cameo from Mark hamill

3. The Martian- Once again a director comes roaring back, this time in the form of Ridley Scott. To be honest I wrote him off, bc his last 4 or 5 movies have all been terrible to me. well not this movie, I thought it was going to be a straight drama, and was one of the funniest movies I saw all year. Damon gave an excellent performance and the direction was just superb.

2. Creed- I love this movie and the theme is continued on my list with great directing work, from Ryan Coogler. In an interview he said he grew up with the rocky franchise and loved it. well he did it a great justice, and Stallone should be nominated for an oscar, and he would have my vote to win it as well. He is a far better actor than some realize. This movie is a blast

1. Star Wars the Force Awakens- I have seen this movie three times now and it keeps getting better and better, is it a perfect film, NO, but it is a blast and a great Scifi film. The movie moves at such a brisk pace that one of favorite scenes is always about to come up. All I can say is I really enjoyed it.

bonus fun fact..... Both rocky 1 and Star wars a new hope came out in the same yr. Creed and the force awakens also came out in the same yr in 2015, both are also the 7th film in their franchise, and both serve as a reboot, re tale of sorts.

What is yall's list of top 5
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This was a strange year for movies for me! I typically sit down during the break and rank all the theatrical releases I saw as movies I loved, movies I liked, neutral and movies I hated... and this year, there were a LOT in the middle two categories and then very few extremes.

If I had to do a Top 5 list, though...

5. Jupiter Ascending - now bear with me here... Jupiter Ascending is a terrible film that leaves you scratching your head as to how or why it was made... but there's no question that an insane amount of artistry, talent and belief went into creating it.

4. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 - the Hunger Games movies have been rocky. I thought the first one was passable but weak, the second was excellent and then the third was a disappointing half-movie... but they closed the series out on an understated note with an appropriate amount of gravitas, making for an excellent whole. Doesn't hurt that pop culture sort of moved past it and we didn't have a giant blast for this one.

3. The Good Dinosaur - possibly the most under-appreciated Pixar film to date! I thought Good Dino was much stranger than Inside Out, especially because it didn't rely on stock comedian voices. Beautifully rendered, charming story that I think got lost in the end-of-the-year rush to Star Wars.

2. Mad Max: Fury Road - as close to perfect as a summer movie can be.

1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens - haven't had this much fun at the movies in years.
With the kids I've not gotten to the cinema as much as I'd like and what I've caught on iTunes or the occassional cinema trip was gravely disappointing (still stunned by how bad the new Terminator was).

4. Chappie - Flawed, derivative - but always entertaining. I've not actually failed to enjoy a Blomkamp movie yet, no matter how much harder I find it to defend them with the repeating patterns

3. The Force Awakens - not as big a fan as others, but I had fun, a big improvement.

2. Inside Head (Or whatever it is English, only seen this in Japanese. The new Pixar movie).

1. Ex Machina - A wonderful indie sci-fi film
ex machina is def in my top 10 along with the Revenant, but I dont find either film extremely re watchable, so while I think they both are better made films they are not my favorite.

as far as the hunger games goes, I saw the first one and thought it was terrible so I never saw any of the others, I just didnt buy the world they were trying to set up and some of the choices for actors just took me out of the movie, like lenny kravitz. Plus the cgi dogs were atrocious looking, like 97 cgi

Jupiter Ascending was a train wreck of a movie but you are right ben it was not from a lack of effort, but I would rather see a documentary on how the The Wachowskis' brothers keep getting money to make these god awful movies, they bomb one after another. although I dont hate speed racer as much as some do.
Haven't yet seen the new star wars, hoping to in the next couple of weeks,

I don't get out to the cinema often but, when I do I tend to favour the smaller international productions rather than the big US blockbusters, but :

5.Alla ska bada (Filmed theater production shown at a cinema, translates as 'Everybody should bathe')

4.Phantom of the Opera (Filmed theater production shown at a cinema)

3.Sargrisarna kan rädda världen (Theater production, translates as 'Piggybanks can save the world')

2.Galenskarparna 30 års festen (Filmed theater production shown at a cinema, translates as 'Galenskarparna's 30 year party')

1. Shawn the Sheep - Yes I was the oldest person there (who chose to go), I laughed at everything and loved the film.