Ridgerunner Vice Admiral Jul 6, 2005 #10,047 Blue. (Taking one for the team, to try to move the game along.)
W Worf Vice Admiral Jul 6, 2005 #10,048 Bruise (Yeah. The 20th post takes the longest to come up. We need more recruits.)
Mjr. Whoopass <FONT color=lightblue><B>I was going to say someth Jul 13, 2005 #10,059 Minimum 20 post buffer between posts allowed per person in this thread. No warnings. http://www.crius.net/zone/showpost.php?p=277499&postcount=10001
Minimum 20 post buffer between posts allowed per person in this thread. No warnings. http://www.crius.net/zone/showpost.php?p=277499&postcount=10001