The WC4 'Price Of Freedom' Movie Project

well, I would have the transport escort/attack in the masa system over the space lab. But I guess it could go either way. Realistically, though, why would confed need a borderworlds spacelab in the first place? It certainly isn't for developing the flashpak, and work on the genselect weapon seemed to be happening in axius.

Yes, in some ways it makes sense given what we have to work with to use the space lab mission but I preffer how the transport mission makes Confed seem like aggressors. and then Having catscratches "is that how wars start" conversation after is a nice touch.

Hmmm, what if after recovering the spacelab, Paulsen sends Blair message to destroy the convoy (simply dubbing over the mission briefing and showing the navigation demo in the communication box). Then all he has to do is destroy the convoy and both missions are completed.

On second thoughts, perhaps the Spacelab isn't needed that much, since the only time it is referenced is right at the end of the movie, the audience has probably forgotten about the Spacelab then anyway. Also the convoy mission is shorter, with the Spacelab they have to wait for the shuttle to dock and gain control.
I think you'll be surprised at how discriminating some movie-viewers are at finding plot-holes, even considering those outside the WC community who would be unfamiliar with WC4.

Just pointing out some reasoning against your assumption, that's all. No offence intended.
I think you'll be surprised at how discriminating some movie-viewers are at finding plot-holes, even considering those outside the WC community who would be unfamiliar with WC4.

Just pointing out some reasoning against your assumption, that's all. No offence intended.

Is it really a plot hole though? Just because we didn't see them capture the Spacelab doesn't mean they didn't. I think merging the two missions is the best option here, that way all the references still fit and the mission flight gets extended, which I think is a good thing if done right.
Is it really a plot hole though? Just because we didn't see them capture the Spacelab doesn't mean they didn't. I think merging the two missions is the best option here, that way all the references still fit and the mission flight gets extended, which I think is a good thing if done right.

I suppose you could add the convoy to the spacelab mission. It might work. However like I said, good or bad the end doesn't suffer from droping the bit about being party to abduction and stealing a lab.

Not only that, but in-game the spacelab is painted in Confed colors with the confed logo on the side! Confed didn't just covertly paint the station on them. So who's telling the truth? I don't think this mission is as clear cut as it sounds. (interesting side fact: there's an unused model hidden in the game files of the same station painted in border worlds colors) I pretty sure that the coloring was a conscious descision.

Most likely there isn't anything special about the lab but perhaps it was confeds and at the start of the hostilities and the Borderworlders just up and decided it was theirs because of it's geographic location without asking regardeless.
Hi Everyone,
I'm new here so please excuse me if this question has already been asked/addressed, but I can't seem to get the sound to work on Wing Commander IV. I get sound with both the Wing Commander III movie and the trailer though and I'm pretty sure I have all of the codecs. Has anyone else downloaded it recently and had any problems? I loved the Wing Commander III film so I'm anxious to see this one as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I suppose you could add the convoy to the spacelab mission. It might work. However like I said, good or bad the end doesn't suffer from droping the bit about being party to abduction and stealing a lab.

Not only that, but in-game the spacelab is painted in Confed colors with the confed logo on the side! Confed didn't just covertly paint the station on them. So who's telling the truth? I don't think this mission is as clear cut as it sounds. (interesting side fact: there's an unused model hidden in the game files of the same station painted in border worlds colors) I pretty sure that the coloring was a conscious descision.

Most likely there isn't anything special about the lab but perhaps it was confeds and at the start of the hostilities and the Borderworlders just up and decided it was theirs because of it's geographic location without asking regardeless.

Well I'll see how well it blends in with both missions, otherwise I'll just change what he says at the assembley no big deal.

Ian said:
Hi Everyone,
I'm new here so please excuse me if this question has already been asked/addressed, but I can't seem to get the sound to work on Wing Commander IV. I get sound with both the Wing Commander III movie and the trailer though and I'm pretty sure I have all of the codecs. Has anyone else downloaded it recently and had any problems? I loved the Wing Commander III film so I'm anxious to see this one as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I would recommend using VideoLan Player if the sound isn't working. The problem is that it's using AC3 as the audio track, I find FFDshow filter pack makes the files work with Windows Media Player. If those don't work I'm not sure what to suggest...
I would recommend using VideoLan Player if the sound isn't working. The problem is that it's using AC3 as the audio track, I find FFDshow filter pack makes the files work with Windows Media Player. If those don't work I'm not sure what to suggest...

AC3 filter should do the trick too I suppose which is probably included in the filter pack you mentioned. But it may be the only one he actually needs.
That AC3 filter did the trick. Thanks for your help, guys. And thank you, Queeg for taking the time to create these films. You rule! :-)


Just a thought but in the game you dont need to destroy the Earth orbit starbase in the final mission you can simply engage your cloak and go into autopilot, just a thought as destroying starbases is quite tedious and not good viewing.
Hello all, hello Queeg,
As all of you I'm a big fan of Wing Commander, especially IV.
After seeing what you have done, Queeg, making a movie of WCIV, I just had to register on this forum to say a big THANK YOU.
You did what I was hoping someone would ever do: make a movie out of the great footage on the DVD's, along with some of the gameplay.
Thank you to all the others who gave their comments so far.
I have read all the "older" postings on this subject. To me they were all new, so it was great to read what you have been doing so far.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the completion of the new version of WCIV.
When I was able to see the movie "Wing Commander" that made it to our theatres in Belgium as well, I was ... really disappointed. I asked myself why no one even thought about putting all the footage together in one big movie?
Well Queeg and friends here, you've made my dream come true.
I have only been able to see the little preview you have put online.
It was superb!
Right now I'm downloading the 2,01 Gb-version of the movie.
I really don't mind that it's over 2 hours. I'd rather have that than to miss parts which I remember.

Now to close here, just one question: I've seen you writing that the DVD-version works on Windows Vista as well. It took me some effort, but not too long ago I was able to buy the DVD (2-sided, so the high quality) and I was eager to start playing it on my brand new computer, but unfortunately I wasn't able to play it yet. If this is easily fixed, then I would like to know how. Thank you very much already for an answer and again, thank you so much for putting the WCIV-movie together.
Your collegue-fan in Belgium, Jean (I'm a guy... so it's not spoken out as "Gene", but as "Jaw") :-)
Hello all, hello Queeg,
As all of you I'm a big fan of Wing Commander, especially IV.
After seeing what you have done, Queeg, making a movie of WCIV, I just had to register on this forum to say a big THANK YOU.

Hey, I remember you from Welcome back!

Now to close here, just one question: I've seen you writing that the DVD-version works on Windows Vista as well. It took me some effort, but not too long ago I was able to buy the DVD (2-sided, so the high quality) and I was eager to start playing it on my brand new computer, but unfortunately I wasn't able to play it yet. If this is easily fixed, then I would like to know how. Thank you very much already for an answer and again, thank you so much for putting the WCIV-movie together.
Your collegue-fan in Belgium, Jean (I'm a guy... so it's not spoken out as "Gene", but as "Jaw") :-)

What stuff have you tried so far? You should probably answer this in one of the WC4 DVD threads in the Tech Support forum here at Crius. If you don't have it already, you'll probably need gulikoza's patch and potentially some codec type things, but we'll need to know what happens to you first.

Hello all, hello Chris, sure I remember you as well. I had lost my subscription details of the old alt.wing.commander-forum, therefor I needed to add a new subscription.

First this to Queeg: THANK YOU SO MUCH. You made my heart go wild again. What a great job you did, thank you very much! I'm looking forward to your improvements on the flying part, but so far I'm really very happy. It took me some time to download it, but it was worth every second :).

Chris, well... I have tried several things and probably I messed up the computer a bit by trying too much. There is a way, in Windows Vista, to start a program in a Win95/98-modus, I found out... after I had tried several things. Now none of them work anymore :o...

Let me try to remember what I did... in the box "Kilrathi saga" there was a patch to work with WC4 under windows95. I had installed that one. That made the DVD run, I think..., but only the startup movie. Great so far, but no flying... Then I tried with some codecs that I found somewhere... sorry :D and thus I messed up the movies again :D:cool:. I had found a way to extract the movies from the DVD, so I was able to view them, but without the game. I don't know what else I've tried, but I remember me copying the whole of the DVD to the hard disk and some more of useless efforts :D to make things worse :), but I ended up telling myself that I don't have time anyway to play the game... :D But now, Queeg has solved the problem by giving me that great movie in one piece.

When I find some time again, I'll take a look at the forum of the DVD, if you say there is one, to try the suggestions of the folks there. Thanks for the tip Chris, and it's good to talk to you again.

Have a great day friends! Jean from Belgium
Let me try to remember what I did... in the box "Kilrathi saga" there was a patch to work with WC4 under windows95. I had installed that one. That made the DVD run, I think..., but only the startup movie.

That's a little weird. The DVD version should already be updated for windows.

Great so far, but no flying... Then I tried with some codecs that I found somewhere... sorry :D and thus I messed up the movies again :D:cool:. I had found a way to extract the movies from the DVD, so I was able to view them, but without the game. I don't know what else I've tried, but I remember me copying the whole of the DVD to the hard disk and some more of useless efforts :D to make things worse :), but I ended up telling myself that I don't have time anyway to play the game... :D But now, Queeg has solved the problem by giving me that great movie in one piece.

Gulikoza's site has a bunch of patches and codecs that are designed specifically for the WC4 DVD that should help when you get back into it.

When I find some time again, I'll take a look at the forum of the DVD, if you say there is one, to try the suggestions of the folks there. Thanks for the tip Chris, and it's good to talk to you again.

See you around!
3 hours long and stil running maybe?

man i wish i had the time, effort, and ability to do something like this. as much as i want to on one hand worship yoy. the critic in me just wants to strangle you for leaving out parts of the end sequence. the little monolouge by robert rusler (seether) when they go head to head at the end.

as an aside where/how do you get all the parts and put them all together like this. i guess what i would want to do i sjust get my hands on the ending parts since thats really the best part.

edit: im not done downloading this monster, but does it cover the divering path when you can defect fhe first and second times?
edit: im not done downloading this monster, but does it cover the divering path when you can defect fhe first and second times?

What's the question? Are you talking about downloading the movie? I already thought you did that and it sounds like you are downloading the game itself. We do not support or condone warez here.

The DVD version of the game is just like the PC version though except with better quality video. (there's a few minor differences in one or two scenes but otherwise it's the same). It comes on ebay somewhat regularly so I suggest you do that.
Hello, not sure if it is just me, but for some reason, i can not download the full length movie of WC4. i have tried many times but it does not work. any suggestions?
Hello, not sure if it is just me, but for some reason, i can not download the full length movie of WC4. i have tried many times but it does not work. any suggestions?

downloading doesn't work? Or the file doesn't work? Also, are you using the old links or the ones in the CIC's holovids section? Use the CIC's, and make sure you are right-clicking and choosing save-as instead of left clicking the link.
ok, i just tried it again, using the holovids, right click and selected "save as" and it went very fast. i know the file if 2GB so it should take a while to download but it doesnt.
It's probably too big for the browser to handle. Try a download manager like Getright instead.