The Proper Remake?

*Make the NAV map MUCH more like the original, as of now it is cumbersome and annoying to use, finding a route to a specific system is more difficult now than it ever needed to be simply because of the design of the galaxy map. I dont mind targeting all of the nav points in the system so much anymore, but that nav map is really irritating.
*I would really rather have manual control of my turrets compared to whats going on now, with my turrets doing nothing even when turned on and making odd noises at me (mine sounds like its launching missiles, blowing ships up and hitting shields, in a completely empty system (Lissac mining base only place other than my nav) this is strange.)
*Fix the shop system, right now if you want to sell missiles/torps and you have more than one kind of weapon you have to individually select and sell one missile at a time until you run out of one kind of missile, this is annoying.
My suggestions

- Fix the (Engine/Reactor) to Sheild relationship. In the original it was 1-5 for both, then 6 after RF. 1(9) is an Advanced Shield?

- Make us buy NAV maps. Right now you start with everything - conveinent, but you're talking about making it realistic.

- I agree with most other things suggested: here's a problem I had.
1. Purchase Centrurian, equip w/ best possible radar, B&S Omni and 4 tachyon
2. No ITTS for my guns ... Did I turn them off somehow?
3. I cannot find a cagro expander to purchase for the Centurian - in the original you could by one that increased your space by 25.
4. I have two racks of proton torps, but cannot fire just one at a time.
5. Dralthi are a pain in the @$$ ... oh, wait, that's just like the original.
6. I took a Kilrathi capships sheilds down and then pumped it full of 20 proton torps ... it didn't go down. I seem to remember this being effective in the original.
7. Speaking of Cap ships, I had to take the front sheilds down because that thing turned to face me like it was a gothri ... I almost peed my pants. Well, not really, but it was traumatic; or, atleast surprising. I felt bad for all the cats inside, I imagine quite a few were coughing up more than hairballs.
8. Other than that, take out all the extra stuff, save that for WCU (It's nice additions, but it doesn't make a 'remake.')
9. And keep the factions - they existed in the first, you just couldn't see them. (You could even make the Kilrathi like you if you killed enough confeds and left them alone.)
Surprised no one's said this yet:
- 4-way armor values
- 4-way armor damage displayed in targetting MFD

Other stuff:
- Cutscene of Steltek towing away derelict base
- Shield cycle by level. If you have Lvl1 shields, they can either be on or off. If you have level 2, they can be on full, on level 1 or off, etc. This should be accompanied by appropriate changes in the shield graphic in the cockpit.
- Torpedo count - can someone confirm that the max torpedo count was 20 in the original? (it is 40 now, at least on the Centurion) I can't remember myself.
- Secret cargo space
- Comm responses in plot-driven missions (apparently this will be very hard to do) as a way of breaking the conversation up.

John, can you edit your top post to make it a full list, or is that too much of a hassle? It would be a lot nicer to have a complete list at a glance rather than scrolling all the way through the post.
Then I'd just have to make a new list every time someone added something, and you'd have to edit your post again... Kind of an infinite loop. :)

Secret Cargo Space: I don't think the VS engine supports it?

Similar with the 4-way armor stuff. I know everybody'd like it, but does the engine support it?
- Mission Computer should not give cargo missions to Pirate Bases.
- Confed officers should not hang out in Pirate Base bars.
JKeefe said:
Then I'd just have to make a new list every time someone added something, and you'd have to edit your post again... Kind of an infinite loop. :)
Just create an accurate list for now and i will continue to update it.

* a waypoint should be scanned when you are very close to it (500k or so)
* Mass driver should fire a round mass-ball not a white proton torpedo like thingy
* Jump bubbles shouldn't absorb weapon fire
* com with c + number without showing what you've send (because it's already shown in you com-selection screen)
Here's a compilation. I've tried to remove duplicates. I've also tried to take out the bug reports (new section at bottom now).

* Make key bindings more in line with the original
* Increase damage due to collisions
* A solution for the asteroid problem (they need to be dangerous like in the original)
* Get rid of this 'hulls' thing. you can have one type of armor, and only one purchase of it. Plasteel and Tungsten are the two upgrades you can get...plasteel being the type you start out with, tungsten being the better type (in RF you can get isometal).
* From what I can tell, the drayman is still rediculously tough, should be fixed.
* No being able to tractor in missiles or anything of that sort.
* I've heard that torpedo loadout is doubled and that you can mount tractor beams in weird places -- stuff like that, if true, needs to be taken out.
* Intro added in, preferrably with the option to switch between the original and the CD versions. (Jump animations, too, certainly -- if *Metal Morph* can use them, the Privateer Remake certainly can.)
* No turret AI for players. You work alone.
* No owning multiple ships and carrying them around in each other.
* Proper encounter percentages, per the Playtesters Guide. Ditto for the commodity pricing.
* More original artwork. I [Loaf] have much of this and will send it to Brad.
* In the original privateer there were no light/medium/heavy mounts. One size fit all.
* Remove docking from capships
* Remove extra upgrades
* Fix pilot/eject/slave issue
* Remove turret AI
* Remove Kilrathi base and garrisons
* Add jump and landing anims
* Add "handshake" anims
* Remove extra fixers
* Remove extra buyable ships
* No cheating with communications (i know it was rudimentary implemented in the original but in the remake you can use it extensively, no Kilrathi would turn to friendly if you scream 10000 times at him "Don't kill me kitty!" )
* Possibility to deactivate shields (100%)
* Afterburner sucks energy to zero and deactivates/activates itself -> if you hit tab further the shields will be lowered 1 level
* F5 switches to turret view
* Possibility to loose equipment while under heavy attack (armor damage)
* Space stations have no "visible" shields (the same as planets)
* Damage report without background image (hardly to read)
* "W" to select missiles or proton torpedo (launcher)
* Heavy damage done to enemies will let them lose parts of their hull (simple 2D sprite)
* Turrets without a radar screen
* Turret view should not be covered by the engines
* Ships that communicate with you should have a white rectangle around
* Destination cross white and bigger (it always should have the same size)
* Radar colors should be: red - enemy, dark blue - friend, bright blue - jump points, yellow - missiles, brown - neutral or objects that can be tractored in (cargo), white - destination cross, grey - bases
* Radar range was if i remember right 15000
* Remove the basic repair feature (should be auto-purchased for free when landing)
* Repair droid takes care of static in MFD screens
* The tractor beam in the original could capture things from a maxium distance of 10,000 km
* If you are removing docking option, D button should be set for Destination as in original
* No spawning, when you die, you should go to the load screen and have to load your game.
* No d*** escape pod.
* Manual control of turrets
* Make the NAV map MUCH more like the original
* no more milspec crap
* when cycling through missiles/torps, allow selection of a single rack (even if two identical are equipped).
* add cargo expander for the Centurian
* 4-way armor values
* 4-way armor damage displayed in targetting MFD
* Cutscene of Steltek towing away derelict base
* Shield cycle by level. If you have Lvl1 shields, they can either be on or off. If you have level 2, they can be on full, on level 1 or off, etc. This should be accompanied by appropriate changes in the shield graphic in the cockpit.
* Torpedo count - can someone confirm that the max torpedo count was 20 in the original? (it is 40 now, at least on the Centurion) I can't remember myself.
* Secret cargo space
* Comm responses in plot-driven missions (apparently this will be very hard to do) as a way of breaking the conversation up.
* Mission Computer should not give cargo missions to Pirate Bases.
* Confed officers should not hang out in Pirate Base bars.
* a waypoint should be scanned when you are very close to it (500k or so)
* Mass driver should fire a round mass-ball not a white proton torpedo like thingy
* Jump bubbles shouldn't absorb weapon fire
* com with c + number without showing what you've send (because it's already shown in you com-selection screen)

General Bugs

* Double-mission when talking to fixer again.
* Make sure you can hear voices over gunfire.
* In campaign missions wait for a enemies with a lot to say to finish talking before they kill you. The messages come much to fast.
* ITTS doesn't currently work in drift/afterburn/match-speed.
* Decrease combat message rate.
* Enforce straight-ahead flight when in turrets. Might just be me, but my ship drifts at same rate if I'm turning when I switch to a turret.
* Damage should affect NPC's ship handling (damaged engine -> drops speed etc.) and MFD should display different damaged sections of their ships.

just a few of my thoughts:

Read through surprised nobody mentiond the maneuvering jets, In the old one when your hull got slammed they were the first to start going. get hit too much and you may be stuck making only left turns ;-).
they also cost a load to repair and were the primary reason toe get a repair droid (as you would make up that money easly as you never had to repair them manually ever again)

also guns dont seem to get damaged. in the old one guns could be damaged and would fire at like half their normal rate.

the nav screen. the nav scrrn in the remake is a little akward but isnt all that bad. least i can see all 4 quads with it. i remember needing a special printout just so i could plot a clean course across quads. personally the old one wasnt all that great either id take the new one over it.

add all the RF extras like the refire increase and the booster increase (and lvl 4s for the centurion)

Factions: keep em they were in the old one. in fact i hated the one mission where you *had* to kill the hunters because I had to kill alot of pirates and Kilrathi to get my standing back with them.

torpedo count for the old was 20 torpedos . which reminds me you had to buy a missle launcher. in fact in a new game the first thing i did was sell my taursus missle launcher (10k resell!)

seperate ITTS for each weapon. the old priv would have a different colored lead target calculated seperatly for each weapon. i remember it helped alot because my steltek gun had a vastly different target than my tachyons. (steltek was much slower)

fix the energy system. currently its broken i can afterburn continuously with any reactor. (befor it used to pulse based on your regen ) also i cans till fire while burning (right now i can hold bur regenerate shields and lay down a cintinous tachyon stream without ever stopping)

well thats all i can think of
*remove drifting, I think that was not possible in the original or I just never used it
*Make all prices as they where in the original, most are too high right now
*lower mission rewards to original levels
*remove limited stock for the ship dealer
*some ships are much too hard to kill some are too easy
*the buy/sell menu needs a mayor overhaul, original was way better
*a nav-computer please
crtl+n is nav comp

`the hunters ship the demon, was a slow moven tank in the original,
`the orion is in no way a heavy fighter (its a heavy merchant) with 2
missile launchers.
ThePirateScurge said:
`the orion is in no way a heavy fighter (its a heavy merchant) with 2
missile launchers.

uh.....incorrect. the heavy merchant ship you could purchase was the Galaxy, the orion was the heavy gunship, the centurion the heavy fighter.

both the galaxy and centurion could mount 2 missile launchers, or 2 torp launchers, or a torp and a missile launcher, or a torp and a tractor beam, or a tractor beam and a missile...your choice. the orion only mounted a single torp/missile/tractor mount.

In The Original, Orion is still a merchant ship with 2 missile launchers...
Echos Stay In System for a Long Time. (tractor beam, shootn cargo)
Cargo Should Be Able To Be Blown Up
Tractor Beam Sticks (lag copy stays even when guns are switched)

-( In The Original I Was A Pirate Usen An Orion, 2 Skytec Weapons,
tractor beam n FF Missiles... )-
are you saying in the remake it is?

in the original the orion is a mercenary gunship, with a single missile/torp/tractor beam mount. and 2 guns. it is not a heavy merchant.
I put this in the bugs thread, but It might belong here.

There are changes in the implementation of the campaign missions for the remake.

Murphy's Palan missions are misplaced. The first and second missions should be near the jump point to Tingerhoff, not in orbit around Palan.

Also, In Righteous Fire, When taking the mission to kill Governor Menesch, he isn't supposed to be in the Troy system, He should be in the Regallis system near the jump to Freyja. You meet him, the Salthis attack, and while fighting them, he jumps. Then we jump after him and kill him there, while he is being guarded by more Salthis.

--Brandon Young