Terminator 3 Thoughts, Oppinions, Comments

I just saw the movie tonight with my mates and i loved it, in some parts it was supperior to the original 2 and yet it wasnt as good as either.

i did like the idea of the female terminator being a mix of arni and the t1000 it was awsome.

still any1 who has seen it and would like to discuss scenes or there oppinions are welcomed to post here as i would like to know what other ppl thought of this movie
I thought it was good. Not as good as the second though. Some of the humor was a little dry (but humorous) ie, "Talk to the hand."
I loved it. I'm not sure which Terminator is the best. I like them all. There were some problem areas, like the sheer stupidity exhibited on behalf of the writers who decided to ignore the constraints of time by saying that John was 13 in T2, and when they called the T-800 the T-101. Minor complaints, but you need to keep on top of simple things like that. But still, I liked it a lot.
hmmm i didnt really notice, that, though i did like her ability to be a cross between the t1000 and arni, which i maya have alrdy said and i apologize if i have. i also liked the plasma launcher on her arm that was sick, the toilet scene blew my mind i loved it much better then the 1 where arni fought liquid boy in t2 after all u cant hit liquid
Just saw it. I was expecting it to be a piece of shit along the lines of The Matrix Reloaded, so I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Which doesn't mean that I think it was good, mind you... it was ok, but it was no The Terminator. Heck, it wasn't even The Terminator 2.

The one part that I really hated was the fifty hour-long car chase scene at the start of the film, although I didn't really enjoy the bathroom fight scene either. It's actually rather symbollic of the vast difference between T3 and the original. In the original, the special effects were there to propel the plot onwards. Here, the plot is there to propel the special effects onwards. The only way T3 could have been interesting is if was released five years ago, when we weren't overdosed on CGI.

Thoughts about the female terminator... shrug. It just didn't add anything, because (apart from the breast-pumping scene) they didn't treat her as being any different to the T1000. In the hands of an inept director, making her female only served to highlight the fact that the terminator can be neither male nor female - it's just a machine, with no personality whatsoever.

The ending of the film... the first two films were very conclusive in their ending - they were designed to stand alone and *not* make room for sequels. And that was great. This one didn't do that. T3's ending, although it was much more satisfying than the end of Reloaded (but then again, what isn't?), was essentially there to set up a long string of sequels.
Quarto said:
I was expecting it to be a piece of shit along the lines of The Matrix Reloaded, so I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

much more satisfying than the end of Reloaded (but then again, what isn't?)

Quarto said:
T3's ending, although it was much more satisfying than the end of Reloaded (but then again, what isn't?), was essentially there to set up a long string of sequels.

I didn't see it that way as much as completing a trilogy. I mean, sure it IS open enough to create a sequel or two, but, I also believe that the way it ends finishes off the story perfectly. All this time it's been "we must save John Connor" and now finally, they did it. The war has begun, and John is going to take command. At least that's how I saw it.
Quarto said:
The one part that I really hated was the fifty hour-long car chase scene at the start of the film, although I didn't really enjoy the bathroom fight scene either. It's actually rather symbollic of the vast difference between T3 and the original. In the original, the special effects were there to propel the plot onwards. Here, the plot is there to propel the special effects onwards. The only way T3 could have been interesting is if was released five years ago, when we weren't overdosed on CGI.

Thoughts about the female terminator... shrug. It just didn't add anything, because (apart from the breast-pumping scene) they didn't treat her as being any different to the T1000. In the hands of an inept director, making her female only served to highlight the fact that the terminator can be neither male nor female - it's just a machine, with no personality whatsoever.

The ending of the film... the first two films were very conclusive in their ending - they were designed to stand alone and *not* make room for sequels. And that was great. This one didn't do that. T3's ending, although it was much more satisfying than the end of Reloaded (but then again, what isn't?), was essentially there to set up a long string of sequels.

well i loved the toilet scene that was awsome it was in my oppinion better then the scene with teh t1000 simply because u cant hit liquid metal. I do to a degree about the plot Camron not directing put a downer on it and i went in there a little annoyed......still it had arni. Though the car chase did tend to drag a bit, i liked it, it showed one of the abilitys in this terminator that wernt in the others.

But she was differnt from the T1000 she was a mix she only had the t1000 on her outsides. Still saying that i think that she was easier to kill then the t1000 i mean fuck that cunt wouldnt die untill he took a full blown rocket. she just got blown up by arnies fuel cell.

though i did know due to message board how the ending would turn out i also looked forward to it, it did leave room for another one and if they bring another one out you know arnies not gonna be in itgeeze what is he 47 now? hes not gonna wait another 12 yrs to make another movie, still that would be cool to see it set in the machines world a fully warfare type terminator 4.

still i dont like the idea of a female terminaor anyway nor a terminator being controlled by a woman, it seems incredibly political in context and thats somthing movies like that should never be
For some reason, T4 is not a very good name for the next one since the terminator probably won't be in it. Okay, maybe a few scenes, but it will be completely different from the other 3.
They could easily fit Arnold into T4 (most likely SEVERAL Arnolds). Like was mentioned in T3, how they used The Model 101 to get closer to Conner. I would rather have them focus on the whole smashing of the defense grid and sending back Reese (ala "Dawn of Fate"), but this is one direction they could take.
yes but by the time the movie gets made arni would be what? 57 at least? talk about a grandpa complex hed be to worried about hurting his hip, besides alotto ppl think hes gonna run for president about then anyway so he may well be to bussy to act.

it would have to be t4 what else could they call it? be like changine the alien quatet to somthing differnt, wouldnt have the ring to it nor would i see it at the movies, hell it was bad enough james cameron didnt direct this one as it is
My Post

My Post, part 1: Arnold can't run for President.

My Post, part 2: How old is Arnold now? I'm sure that if he could pull this one off, he could pull off a T4 if it was made soon. We can't have any more "one Terminator movie per decade", but they could probably squeeze one out in a couple years.
why cant he run? alotto ppl think he will.

and in a coupla yrs yeah that would be ok, but the thing is if its gonna be made it will be made in another decade, i think its like a tradition or somthen
Lord_Nathrakh said:
why cant he run? alotto ppl think he will.

Being born as an Austrian, regardless of his current citizenship, he can't run for President.

Article II, Section 1 of the US Constitution
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.
Lord_Nathrakh said:
but the thing is if its gonna be made it will be made in another decade, i think its like a tradition or somthen

I'm pretty sure that the only reason that we've had long gaps between Terminators is due to the people involved becoming immensely popular and undertaking many different projects between T1 and T2, and rights issues between T2 and T3.
Actually there was a seven year gap between 1 and 2, and a twelve between 2 and 3.

P.S.- There's an edit button.