Target leading in turret AI.... how?

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This isn't a solution for target leading, per se, it's a solution for autotracking in turrets.

Proper target leading would be to have the turret point at where the ITTS tracking locator is and have it shoot there. Turrets are programmed, however, to always point directly at the target. So, we have to use the autotracking gun feature to "fake" it. My understanding is that autotracking doesn't work unless you have a scanner that has ITTS. I may be wrong, though - I never tried this out myself. By the time I had autracking gun mounts, I already had a scanner with ITTS.

As far as being careful with capital ships and enemy fighters with autotracking turret guns, I find it's not difficult with a little practice to learn to bring your own guns and turrets to bear while avoiding enemy turret fire.

MamiyaOtaru said:
Sweeet mercy.. they did NOTHING in the original game. Nothing at all. Not dumb, not smart, they just sat there until you got in them yourself.

Your complaint could only possibly apply to capship turrets. It would be possible to upgrade them only, but I find them enoug of a challenge. Those ships weren't exactly hard to take down in the original.

The original game also didn't have true 3d objects, purchasable Draymans/Demons, the ability to own multiple ships, autotracking guns of any sort, was DOS only, had no "Sheldon slide", etc etc etc. Need I go on?

It seems to me that when doing a remake with the intention of taking the original game and improving it for modern technology that saying "you can't do that because the original didn't" is a somewhat ilogical argument. Especially when the concept of turrets is an accepted element of the original game fiction. Your argument is much more valid as a reason to take out autofiring turrets altogether than it is to make the turrets purposefully inacurate. Leaving a feature out is a way to balance a game. Putting it in and purposefully crippling it is just a way to detract from realism and, I would suggest, is a violation of the fundament concept of "willing suspension of disbelief" that is basic to all fiction. In that contract, the player (reader) agrees not to disbelieve a fictional setting, and the developer (author) agrees not to use (misuse) elements of that fictional setting in such a way as to detract from the fictional reality.

In essence, I'm suggesting that one does it right, or doesn't bother to do it at all.
The original game also didn't have true 3d objects, purchasable Draymans/Demons, the ability to own multiple ships, autotracking guns of any sort, was DOS only, had no "Sheldon slide", etc etc etc. Need I go on?

The Remake shouldn't have these things either.

(*Especially* the Shelton Slide -- that's moving beyond even fanboy unbalancing fantasy crap and into the realm of direct contradiction. Confed's *newest* front line fighters in 2669 had the feature...)

In essence, I'm suggesting that one does it right, or doesn't bother to do it at all.

I agree that the "Privateer: Remake" should not have auto-firing turrets. It is beyond the scope of the remake to add these to the game.

"Privateer: 2675" should have auto-firing turrets, and they should be very inaccurate. This is talked about in the Wing Commander IV adaptation. Computers can be mounted in gun turrets, but they can't do anything but keep the enemy off your rear (you should have to buy this computer separately).

In our theoretical fanboy game you should be able to hire gun crews who would run the turrets like humans, firing accurately.
Bandit LOAF said:
(*Especially* the Shelton Slide -- that's moving beyond even fanboy unbalancing fantasy crap and into the realm of direct contradiction. Confed's *newest* front line fighters in 2669 had the feature...)
Maybe you could stop bringing up the same point over and over again, especially after we've agreed with you. It's already gone in the version I am playing.

Feel free to harp on about turrets though, as I simply disagree. That fidelity patch being made by someone else will set your mind at ease.
Bandit LOAF said:
Hello, sir, I would like to BUY SOME PEOPLE.

I'm sorry, sir, the Confed just came through and cleaned us out. I suggest you either try the pirate base two jumps over, or enslave some Retros.
MamiyaOtaru said:
Maybe you could stop bringing up the same point over and over again, especially after we've agreed with you. It's already gone in the version I am playing.

Feel free to harp on about turrets though, as I simply disagree. That fidelity patch being made by someone else will set your mind at ease.

I will bring up whatever I damn well please whenever I damn well please. I have neither reason to forgive your mods horrible failings nor the magic ability to see what you have changed in future versions.

Edit: Nor, in fact, did I even bring up the topic - I replied to someone elses post. You made a crappy game, work on fixing it instead of complaining that people were smart enough to notice.
What's up with you, LOAF?

Don't like the mod, fine? Don't bash it here in its own forum. That's one of the rudest things I've ever seen. The vast majority of those participating in the forum are here to enjoy the Remake and make it better.

And you calling the game "crappy" - is that not against the firum rules? Or can you break the rules because you're in charge?
I happen to think that harping on its failings is a lot more effective way to "make it beter" than gushing about how excited I am that they've unbalanced the ships because some idiot wanted to fy a Demon.

And you calling the game "crappy" - is that not against the firum rules? Or can you break the rules because you're in charge?

I don't think so at all -- people complain about *real* Wing Commander games here all the time and we don't ban them for it.
I believe that's what I started out doing, before MamiyaOtario decided it was within his power to decide what I could and could not comment on at my own message board.
Uhm, if you want to tell ME what I should do for the WCU patch, please do ^^; I didn't mean to be arrogant or anything.... as for MamiyaOtaru well I guess it's his home and his rules
It's not his home or his rules, though - it's my home and my rules... which is what makes the whole thing odd. :)

I'm happy to offer suggestions about your WCU project -- but I think you have a lot more free reign in terms of what you should be doing with it... since it's not claiming to be Privateer. I can certainly comment on continuity type stuff if you're trying to keep that correct. (Like Standoff -- it's a big creative work, so I can really only complain about little continuity details... when a project tries to be the greatest video game ever made, they have a lot more to live up to.)
Complaining about an open source project is the epitome of laziness. If you don't like it, don't play it. If you do like it but want some things different, then decide whether or not you can live with the current leadership. If you can't, fork it and lead your own project. If you can, then live with their decisions while contributing towards making it better. In other words, lead, follow, or get out of the way.

I don't like the way the turrets don't lead their targets. I've tried to contribute a way to fix that. Simple.
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