Starship troopers 3 trailer...

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That blows. The office environment I am in while strict, certainly has nothing against the occasional movie viewing.

On the up side, it will make it all the more sweeter when you finally can check it out later...
I'm sure it'd be perfectly fine for me to watch it now, I just don't really want everyone in the office knowing that I'm watching the StarShip Troopers 3 trailer.
Hopefully it'll be better than the second film, but then again, its not hard to improve on garbage.

My only regret is I spent £3.99 on the DVD in the bargin bin (plus time to watch it) :/
Heh, awesome. An hey, there's T'Pol!

Is that a mech at the end of the trailer? Is this slated to have a cinematic release or is it going straight-to-DVD like the second one?
First movie was pretty good.
Didn't even hear about SST2 until I saw it at the video store. It was always out of stock(rented) So I though damn it must be good so I finnaly went to Walmart and blew $16 on it...about what they were given to make it.
Turning the second movie it into a horror movie...which gave it a better chance of making some money. If they threw some boobs in here and there like they did in SST1 and by looks of the trailer they are. They should make some money back on the 3rd installment.
Is it just me or does Richo look like he's on acid in all the shots??

Is it just me or does Reco look like hes on acid???
The general internet consensus is that it's direct to video, but I seem to remember that they mentioned a theatrical release when the first announced it. That might have changed once they actually saw the movie.

A brief bit about the wondercon panel on the film where the trailer was first shown along with a couple of scenes:

official site:

Other way around, actually -- after it was finished the film was delayed because they were trying to get a (limited) theatrical release. Apparently that didn't happen...
I think Van Dien is acting that way because while the first movie may have tried to be serious, this one has embraced the over the top military attitude. He seems to act very exaggerated John Wayne-like. I think this one will include more humor compared to the first one if anything subtle humor (didn't see the second one). They are embracing the humor of the series and incorporating it as part of the movie.
No, not really. Being a huge fan of the book I was appalled by the movie. But I didn't want to start a book vs. movie thread and hijack this one.
No, not really. Being a huge fan of the book I was appalled by the movie. But I didn't want to start a book vs. movie thread and hijack this one.


Well...there's also the fact that the first movie was directed by Verhoeven (spell?), so it was easy to predict that it'd be at least a little "off" ;)
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