Starlancer Qs/ Comments

A universe that consists of 1 game and no characters is obviously waaay better than one of a dozen games, 10 novels and heaps of interesting characters

But like Quarto said, respect eachother's opinions however stupid they may seem in your eyes.
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KrisV said:
A universe that consists of 1 game and no characters is obviously waaay better than one of a dozen games, 10 novels and heaps of interesting characters

I hope u meant "waaaay worse"!!! lol

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 07, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 07, 2000).]
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ok sorry but can I just point out that it was not the diffrence in plot etc that I was talking about but the diffrence in quality and content.
Zohrath said:
Pedro, you idiot, why SHOULD it have the same story and gameplay? It's a different universe.
It should have *A* story. One that's somewhere near as good as WC, the SL story just doesn't compare.

And considering what WILL happen earthworm, with Starlancer 2&3, which we have some info on, and Freelancer, I definately think the lancer universe is way better.
Yes, the SL universe is better than the WC universe (with 10 games, 6 add-ons, 10 novels, and a movie) using info based on games that are far away and aren't even anounced yet.....
AFAWK, they may not even make SL 2/3. Besides, there aren't any *real* news on what could happen in those games.

It's my opinion, so respect it pedro, you little twit.
You're just asking to get banned aren't you?

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited May 07, 2000).]
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It does have a story, you're in a squad fighting the coalition, you get the story in the briefings and missions and newsbriefs.

If ST had a zillion novels and other stuff, it would still suck. Quantity does not make quality. I like SL better than WC because the story appeals more to me than WC's does.

Banning is really none of my concern, he insulted me, I'll insult back.
Of course it is a whole lot easier to dislike WC than SL, because there's so much more of it
You run a Starlancer fansite, so that SL2,3 and FL comment didn't come as a surprise to me. But it's still not a valid argument. Right here, right now is what counts.
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Well...I think the story has the potential to become as good as WC story.
Dont forget this is just the beginning.
And that the Roberts have made WC and can do it again for sure...expecially if they follow the WC developing path.

The real problem is HOW they are going to tell us the story.

1) In Starlancer 1 I dont like how it is told.

2) In an open chat on the Zone Erin Roberts has said that in Starlancer 2 there will be the going-around-the-ship-and- chat-with-your- fellow-pilots-feature

3) This I think means they are not only dreaming about making should be quite sure they are already setting it up (this doent obviously mean the project cant be canceled...but Microsoft is not they have 2 good projects they wont need to leave one to concentrate on the other

4) I still think that feature had been planned to be in SL 1 too, but something must have made them drop it (money?..naaa...time? maybe...something else? well...what???).
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Enoxigeo... it imposible to talk with others pilots? In an articule at Gamepost they say you could walk around and talk. This is not a WC game... is more like a Freespace game. Missions and more missions without any good FMV.

Starlancer is not such a big thing after all. DA you suck!!

"Hasta la victoria siempre."
-El Che
Hey Asterix, long time no see, don't worry its not so bad, I'm really getting into it now actually. As space combat goes its the currently the best... maybe oneday we will have the true best back eh?
Yeah...I had read that thing on Gamespot too and got as much annoyed as u when I bought the game and found out there is actually not that thing in Starlancer.


STARLANCER IS GOOD...and worth being doubt.

And as I have already written earlier...Erin the Zone open chat as already announced that feature will be included in the next WC...ooops..
...Starlancer game

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 08, 2000).]
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They skipped that walking around feature for telling stuff in the missions instead.

And it is a valid argument, since all I've done is say that I like the lancer universe better because I know what's coming and I think Starlancer is the best space sim yet.
Zohrath said:
It does have a story, you're in a squad fighting the coalition, you get the story in the briefings and missions and newsbriefs.
I know it has a story, and a good one too, but it's nowhere near the caliber of SL.

If ST had a zillion novels and other stuff, it would still suck. Quantity does not make quality. I like SL better than WC because the story appeals more to me than WC's does.
But SL, especialy at this point has very little story.

Banning is really none of my concern, he insulted me, I'll insult back.
I realy think he didn't mean that as an insult.

Zohrath said:
They skipped that walking around feature for telling stuff in the missions instead.
But that doesn't mean that talking around sholdn't be included, even if in small doses. I would realy like to get to know my wingman and superiors.

And it is a valid argument, since all I've done is say that I like the lancer universe better because I know what's coming and I think Starlancer is the best space sim yet.
I doubt that you have any solid info on the whole story of those games, those games are still not here, and they won't come for at least few more years, if they will be made at all. The space sim market is shrinking, and if SL doesn't make enough money they won't make a sequal or an add-on.

And personaly, I think that saying that SL is the best space sim, is an insult to great sims like WC, or Tie Fighter. SL brings nothing new to the genre, and I realy feel like I played that game before (and I did, somewhat. The engine is similar to P2, so is the HUD, and the gameplay feels similar).

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited May 09, 2000).]
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I just saw this on a Starlancer fan site:

System Requirements
Microsoft Windows 95
Pentium (150 MHz or greater)
Optional MMX rendering acceleration
16 MB of RAM required
Any Microsoft DirectDraw compatible video card with at least 2 MB RAM (640x480x16 bit color)
60 MB hard-disk space
4x CD ROM (or better)
Any Microsoft DirectSound compatible sound card
100% Microsoft-compatible mouse and keyboard Internet

Are these the real requirements? I thought it'd need more than this from looking at the screenshots..

DOH! That must have been old... I saw this elsewhere on the same site:

Pentium 200 MHz or higher
Microsoft Windows 95 or higher
DirectX 7.0
32 MB of RAM required
Any Microsoft DirectDraw compatible video card with at least 2 MB RAM (640x480x16 bit color, Direct3D acceleration and 800x600 resolution recommended)
300 MB hard-disk space, additional 100 MB free for swap file
8x CD ROM (or better)
Any Microsoft DirectSound 7.0 compatible sound card
100% Microsoft-compatible mouse and keyboard
Optional - Full Install 1.2 Gig (Game comes on 2 CDs)

Still lower than I thought but I know how most of the time a PC that meets the min requirements still can't run the game well enough so it's playable..

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited May 10, 2000).]
That low, huh? Not bad at all. What about the recommended requirements? As in, what does one need to have to get this thing to look as well as it possibly can?
That I don't know... 800x600 is no problem on my PII 400 with TNT. Not the newest board around (over a year), but it still runs smoothly.
It definitely won’t run smoothly on the minimum req’s. Don’t even try to get it if you don’t have more than that, you may play through some missions, but when you fly near a planet the game will be completely unplayable. The engine in SL is smooth, but definitely not smooth enough for comps that obsolete.
Hey I completed it today and here are my comments
Loved every minute of it BUT
Not enough missions
Not enough plot
Left feeling disappointed at the end
i'm sorta getting tired off people complaynig when Starlancer is compared to Wing Commander.

ofcouse it is!

outher whise it's like mentioning WC whitout mentioning the kilrathi!

or WC whitout blair!

ya know what i mean?

When I'm in the air...
I'm indestructible.
No one can stop me...
But they try.
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