[SPOILERS] Star Wars movie thread... [Don't read this thread if you haven't seen the movie yet]

I’ve seen the other movies so many times that it was a little strange watching a Star Wars film without knowing what was about to happen next, but I still enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to seeing it again. The same thing happened when I saw The Phantom Menace the first time.
What I found interesting is that the film went out of it's way to explain that 'The Sith' are not synonymous with the Dark Side & are just one of it's many incarnations along with the Empire & now the First Order. (I wonder how Lucas felt about that)

This is actually a really great idea as it helps demystify the concept & make is more accessible to a layman coming into SW. I think the logical conclusion of this is that Rey is not destined to become a 'Jedi' (especially when the opening crawl calls Skywalker 'the last Jedi') but instead will be a practitioner or the light side of the force, not explicitly a Jedi, but instead simply someone who is force sensitive. I think the narrative going forward will be the audience coming to understand that the reason Luke failed so spectacularly in training a new generation of force users is that he thought his job was actually to restore the Jedi order, when infact The Jedi order were shown to be cold, emotionless, arrogant & out of touch in the prequels (even if this wasn't Lucas' intention) & need to stay extinct. And Luke attempting to bring back the 'glory days' infact ended exactly how the prequels ended, with a brutal slaughter & the re-emergance of the dark side.
I think the narrative going forward will be the audience coming to understand that the reason Luke failed so spectacularly in training a new generation of force users is that he thought his job was actually to restore the Jedi order, when infact The Jedi order were shown to be cold, emotionless, arrogant & out of touch in the prequels (even if this wasn't Lucas' intention) & need to stay extinct

I'm all for the prequels needing to stay extinct :)
I don't know how accurate these are but they are interesting. Some of these sound like they woudln't have added much, but I like the idea of a scene that at least explains the relationship between the Republic and the resistance.

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I think the narrative going forward will be the audience coming to understand that the reason Luke failed so spectacularly in training a new generation of force users is that he thought his job was actually to restore the Jedi order, when infact The Jedi order were shown to be cold, emotionless, arrogant & out of touch in the prequels (even if this wasn't Lucas' intention) & need to stay extinct. And Luke attempting to bring back the 'glory days' infact ended exactly how the prequels ended, with a brutal slaughter & the re-emergance of the dark side.

That was the set-up the whole time - the subtext of the Jedi is that they're fundamentalists just like the Sith - but that Luke's larger rejection of the rules (for lack of a better word?) by embracing the love of his sister, father and friends is greater than an edict from either side. To dump that on Abrams feet as his own work or intention is entirely inauthentic.

As to Luke's failure to bring back the Jedi between Episode VI and VII, well, I won't say it was bad drama but I also won't defend it as thoughtful, either.
one reason I love the knights of the old republic video games, especially 2 is bc it shows just how flawed the religions of not only sith but jedi truly are. In the games the citizens of the galaxy really see no distinctions between jedi and sith, to them both are crazy fanatic religions and thier followers brought disaster to the galaxy, and nearly the fall of the republic with their jedi civil war
I like the movie but think they let the fighter designers get away with far too little. Even ANH had better fighter variety then TFA. And if the rumors of a planned but cut fleet battle sequence are true I despise whoever cut it with a passion.
I like the movie but think they let the fighter designers get away with far too little. Even ANH had better fighter variety then TFA. And if the rumors of a planned but cut fleet battle sequence are true I despise whoever cut it with a passion.
Agreed. I will maintain my stance that they were more "realistic" with how fighter development went over the course of 30+ years.... unlike George Lucas (whom I'm thoroughly convinced has no idea how time works) who had entire generations of ship designs evolving from the Republic (that had no standing military previously) over a period of a decade or so.... completely forgetting that the starships from ANH were portrayed as run-down relics... but they couldn't be more than 18 years old.

For anyone that needs a real world example of how 18 years isn't very long for an aircraft equivalent, the F-22 Raptor first flew in 1997 and the F-35 first flew in 2006. I flew a "run-down relic" and that beautiful beast first flew in 1952, and the newest one flying now was built in 1961.

TFA did it right with having an evolution of the T-65, and the same for the First Order (Imperial) fleet.
I will say this the lack of ships didnt bother me, but the slight fall of how air combat looked as the film went on did. What I mean is in the first half the Tie fighter escape scene and the first flight of the MF with rey and finn looked soooo much better than the attack on star killer base, its almost like a different second unit director, directed that scene.
What I mean is in the first half the Tie fighter escape scene and the first flight of the MF with rey and finn looked soooo much better than the attack on star killer base, its almost like a different second unit director, directed that scene.
That's a good point.

There was the part where Poe was sniping Stormtroopers that were mere inches away from Han, Chewie and Finn, then turning on a dime to keep doing it (the part where Finn exclaims something to the effect of "That's one Hell of a pilot!").... I realize that we're all pushing certain "I Believe" buttons when we go to the movies, and several more buttons when it's Star Wars.... but COME ON!!! Poe better be Force Sensitive...
I suspect you're right about the time taken with the final battle. The strong rumor during production was that Disney was refusing Abrams the additional six months he wanted, and it'd make sense if that ended up taking a toll on that sequence. I can see exactly what they were going for in both, and how it worked much better in the first: in previous Star Wars movies, the space battle sequences were largely unconnected with what happened on the ground. They were sort of like primitive video games, where you'd get to a very linear point where one story would unlock the next part of the other (taking down the shield, blowing up the droid platform, etc.) In TFA, he certainly set out to connect the two in both instances so that both are happening in the same sphere and impacting all characters continuously... you just get the feeling that it didn't quite work out as envisioned in the finale (also interesting to note the first one was where they had their IMAX camera which they didn't bother with for the finale!)
I suspect you're right about the time taken with the final battle. The strong rumor during production was that Disney was refusing Abrams the additional six months he wanted, and it'd make sense if that ended up taking a toll on that sequence. I can see exactly what they were going for in both, and how it worked much better in the first: in previous Star Wars movies, the space battle sequences were largely unconnected with what happened on the ground. They were sort of like primitive video games, where you'd get to a very linear point where one story would unlock the next part of the other (taking down the shield, blowing up the droid platform, etc.) In TFA, he certainly set out to connect the two in both instances so that both are happening in the same sphere and impacting all characters continuously... you just get the feeling that it didn't quite work out as envisioned in the finale (also interesting to note the first one was where they had their IMAX camera which they didn't bother with for the finale!)
That may be what it was it just seemed like it was rushed. The stuff on the ground with rey finn and kylo was awesome and the rest just seemed very rushed, without many interesting flight shots. It was very segmented and disjointed with what was going down on the ground. Still an awesometacular movie.