Spirit always dies in Jotunheim?


Rear Admiral
I've encountered a weird problem while playing Secret Missions 1. Every time I finish mission Jotunheim 3, I end up standing alone at the debriefing, and Spirit is listed as KIA. No matter what I do, this always happens. I've tried sending Spirit back home during the mission, finishing the mission with her alive and ejecting immediately upon launch.
Fanfic idea?

Hey... I've got an idea for a fanfic.

Say.. Spirit was mistakenly thought to be KIA at the third mission of Jotunheim, but later discovered to be alive and rescued by a friendly Confed corvette... and later then rejoined the Claw.
Well.....Are you all sure she always dies in that mission ??
I really dont remember cause I havent played Sm1 for a long long time (I havent touched any Wc for 5 years cause I dont have my own Pc anymore)

I think that I finished Sm1 and no one died.....
Seems that way. Now Hunter turned up dead too, and I wasn't even flying with him. I could reinstall Secret Missions and restart the campaign, but I think I'll see if I can undo the harm with the savegame editor.
Ha! Problem solved! Excrept from the documentation for WC1 savegame editor:

"In addition to the above, this program also automatically corrects any series list overflow errors in the saved games. The overflow error causes some pilots, most notably Spirit and Angel, to die for no apparent reason. This is due to a bug in the transfer utilities provided by Origin. You should run WCSAV on any file that includes at least one transferred character to prevent or rectify any troubles caused by this bug."

And that's exactly what it did.
I haven't played WC2 for like 6yrs or something, but she always dies in the mission to the rebel outpost doesn't she? The one where she flies into the station....you can't prevent that, just like Shadow at the beginning.
Im telling you that If I remember correct She never died on me !!
No one died......:D

I have bug-less SM1 ?? ?OKIE.......
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Well.....Are you all sure she always dies in that mission ??
I really dont remember cause I havent played Sm1 for a long long time (I havent touched any Wc for 5 years cause I dont have my own Pc anymore)
I think that I finished Sm1 and no one died.....

Is that the mission where you fly in Raptors agains confed Rapiers? The Gwenhair (sp) Mission?
I am 100% sure that for me Spirit always died in that one no matter what.
She was the only casuality in Sm1 however IIRC.