Should we make plot ambushes hurt faction relations?


When you smuggle brilliance for tayla and get chased by the "Filthy little brilliance runner" militia...should that hurt your relation with the militia permanently--or only for those ambushers.

I'm not sure what the original priv did, but I remember my bounty hunter relation being hurt when I took the missions in palan.

clearly good communication and shooting off cats will fix up relations--but it seems to me to be an adequate penalty for the rewards of the campaign

What do you folks think.

Right now it does not permanently hurt your relationships to participate in the campaign and be ambushed.
My opinion is that it should hurt your relationships with factions. It is the most logical way to do it, and I'm pretty sure it is how it worked in the original from when I got irritated enough to actually try and kill the militia on Tayla's missions. In most cases (except in Palan) you're not required to kill the ambushers, and running away is often the easiest way to go anyway.
ya...clearly your relationship is hurt even more if you kill the foes.

but if you run away you think that I should hurt the faction relationship even so :-)
hellcatv said:
but if you run away you think that I should hurt the faction relationship even so :-)
Logically it probably should (though not as much) but I would miss the opportunity to avoid a fight and save the relations.

I did hate having the bounty hunters all over me after Palan but that's the way it goes. It adds challenge to the campaign, which no one is forced to play anyway ;)
hellcatv said:
When you smuggle brilliance for tayla and get chased by the "Filthy little brilliance runner" militia...should that hurt your relation with the militia permanently--or only for those ambushers.

I'm not sure what the original priv did, but I remember my bounty hunter relation being hurt when I took the missions in palan.

clearly good communication and shooting off cats will fix up relations--but it seems to me to be an adequate penalty for the rewards of the campaign

What do you folks think.

Right now it does not permanently hurt your relationships to participate in the campaign and be ambushed.

I know that my view on life needs those proverbial rose coloured glasses but here goes. And whild I'm nopt going to get so intricate as you hellcatv, being a Libra, I DO weigh things out.

I never quite understood why they didn't come down on me after her runs. I mean, Look at it this way, they got a look at my ship. They got a scan of my ship. They got a scan of ME.

Now, with a ship description and registy numbers, a body and structural scan, don't they KNOW who you are? They SAW what you did. (Apologies to Hitchcock) AND they KILL you for doing it. Why aren't they trying to kill you now?

Of course, there is no evidence now. SO your relations should be NEUTRAL at the very worst. You didn't kill anyone did you?

But I didn't WANT to run that shiz, they MADE ME do it.

But you didn't HAVE to accept, even if it WAS a requirement to further the plot.

But That's what I mean I had to further the plot so that I could...

Don't kill anyone and go with NEUTRAL. We KNOW you did it, we just can't prove it. Kill some catnip eaters or pirates and we'll talk.

But I don't WANT to kill pirates, they have the best dialogue! I LIKE Being called ACE.

Gah! What a whiner.

I can't prove it right now so I can't pick you up, but I KNOW you did wrong.

The original didn't do a darned thing to you that I can see. IF you didn't kill any militia or confeds along the way, that is.

The palan thing got me in hot water with the confeds, though. Brushed someone in one of those dogfights or something and I had to do a lot of sweet talking to NOT kill someone on purpose. Or was it a stry blaster shot? In any case. . .

Make it a cooling off of relations. Assume a scale of 00 to 99 decimal. 00 being as hostile as it gets and 99 as lovey dovey as you'll ever see.

00 to 29 = Hostile.
30 to 69 = Neutral
70 to 99 = Friendly

The Brilliance runs cost you. . .6 faction points each where you were officially detected. Not a lot, but if you managed to start out truly neutral, say at 49 to 50 points on the friendly scale, you really don't have a lot of space to burn. That will take you down 18 points. If you start at 49 that makes you still neutral at the end. BARELY. If you were really friendly, you aren't AS friendly.

The faction points can also be hit upon for each time you disregard the maintain speed and course for contraband. In the original game I disregarded those religiously. Hey, I'm busy here, get off my back. Throttles to full and afterburners on, cut left or right and then look at the nav charts to see where I really want to go. Don't you go tellin gme what I have to do, you aren't my mother.

So, each time you do that subtract one point from the faction that does the scan.
BUT, conversely, you have to get rewards for being good little boys and girls by sitting still for your pop-internal. (Pun intended, sorry ladies). You have to add one point each second or THIRD time the faction scans you and you followed orders blindly.

Bleedin' sheep anyway.

Hmm... maybe it should hurt the relationship, but only slightly, especially if you don't fight back but just run. Or, if it does, then when you start working for Confed your record should be cleared and the militia should be friendly again (friends in high places pulling strings and such).

Also, you would think that this would improve your relationship with all of the pirate factions (until they find out your are working for confed, and then they would return to previous levels).

My two bits.
In agreement with Wendy and Sphynx. It should have permanent effects working for Tayla and smuggling - with killing militia giving a higher penalty than smuggling. Similarly, working for confed later improves confed relations.
As Wendy mentioned, shouldn't be too dramatic a shift.

Gives more incentive to take missions in between campaign missions to change your relationships (if you want to...)

Example: do mission for Tayla, then do a couple of confed/defending missions to fix relations with militia, do next mission for Tayla etc.
sounds good then...I'll see to it that relationships are permanently maimed for 009 more than in 008 (they are currently maimed a bit... bit it's not very much. the same as sending a few nasty taunts)