Screenshots Release Thread

Hey, thanks Tolwyn! I know about the HW1 mod, but it never went anywhere and eventually disappeared. Homeworld 2 offers a better engine, support from a well developed mod community and is much easier to mod than HW1. I'm just thinking about trying to get the models and all their minute parts like turrets, working in the HW2 engine. The fun part of modding is getting the damn thing to work!
Go for it Chicken, I was dreaming about playing a WC Homeword2 mod... especially including WC3 ships..
I'm responding to a post that replied to a post issued over a year ago.

Btw Chicken, maybe you should make some public posts about the WC/Homeworld2 mod. There might be other modders interested in doing that too. Maybe even find the guy that made the Homeworld1 mod.
Sorry, been busy with school and other matters. When I can get my system reformatted and XP installed, I'll get to work on putting together a 'placeholder' idea for a mod. [Looks at XP upgrade] so I'll be busy for a few a days, but I'll do something about it.
Some ingame screenies of the updated Thunderbolt model:


Eat the Thunderbolt Kilrathi scum!

An issue I've got with Saga is about how big of a download are we looking at?

The game looks great and all spiffy, but will the size spell doom for dial-up users? (Saga is a reason I'm getting high speed internet access).
well, I am nor entirely sure yet... The game will aproximately take about 450 of your hard drive space. Since most of the files can be compressed well, I would say that a 200 mb download size are realistic. The main download mirror will be Fileplanet.
Do you guys have any new screenshots from your game? I'd especially like to see large battle screenshots if you have any and you have time to post them.
One thing I'm really liking is the glow off the canopy. I seem to remember some earlier screenshots that the canopies appeared faceted, whereas that Hellcat looks to have a wonderfully rounded glow to it.
O.K, I think it is about time posting a few more screenshots, so I thought I show you people our newest addition.


(Last one is a render, but it doesn't look much different ingame)




Tolwyn, are each of those hanger spaces individual dockpoints? And is the ammo truck a unit or just a part of the carrier model?
Ooooh, I'm liking this. All the details on this ship remind me so much of the flight deck from the Victory, which is hopefully what you were trying to do considering they are both rangers (I assume this ship is a ranger).

How will landing work in this game? In freespace you always intitiated your jump drive and never had to physicially land. I hope it will work like in WC3 because I am looking forward to flying through this hangar in-game.