Screenshots Release Thread

as promised, newest screenshots from the game...


  • wcsagafs2-1.jpg
    60 KB · Views: 331
  • crossbow.jpg
    50.7 KB · Views: 315
Not bad, not bad.

I see a few problems, though, such as the use of FS2 weapons effects. It looks like that Corssbow is firing a tripple-mounted Prometheus Cannon!
Moonsword said:
Not bad, not bad.

I see a few problems, though, such as the use of FS2 weapons effects. It looks like that Corssbow is firing a tripple-mounted Prometheus Cannon!

are you trying to insult me? :D

*looks away*
let's go back to the days, when only Tolwyn worked on the project, shall we? :D


  • arrow_mk2.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 313
  • bearcat.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 311
psych said:
I got around the same specs as yours, so technically you can run it. But I have to end up cold-booting after 3 missions or so because the resources sucks up everything else on my computer afterwards.

that is the damn memory leak bug... SCP team is working hard to fix it, but the only solution right now is to increase the amount of ram you have...
I hate to be dense, but I can't seem to find the download. It would help if i knew what exactly I was looking for =)
Edfilho said:
I hate to be dense, but I can't seem to find the download. It would help if i knew what exactly I was looking for =)

Well, I would look in the SCP forum, dude...

A word of warning: DO NOT download media VP supplied with 3.6 release, you will regret it :)
Why is it so hard to make a simple site with a link to the file download? :D
thanks for the help. I'm going to search for the 3.6 release in there.
God damn right. It looks huge in those shots. In WC3 I often thought it seemed to small to be a really functional naval base. Now keep the shots coming we had a little bit of a drought there for a few weeks.