Hmm, Lynx, if you will...
NOT make every Kilrathi ship "patched", or better still make both a "patched" and a "non-patched" version. I mean, I am sure that Kilrathis must have had techs to look after their planes.
I mean really. Used and tattered is good, but at this rate, we will be going against a Thrid world fleet, not a Kilrathi fleet.
They are Imprerious, Proud, Conquering. Would THAT race tolerate so many of its ships to be, well, not GLEAMING?
I can imagine the Kilrathi deck XO going ballistic.
I also understand that you can't have the pie whole and eat it too. I mean a lot of people seem to thing that ships are either too polished, or (my view) sometimes patched over so as NOT TO APPEAR to be too polished.
It is a tough call. I think some moderation should be considered at this point. I mean don't make ALL Kilrathis something that came from a third world junkyard. (OK, that is a bit farfetched