Screenshots Release Thread

for most part, it won't relly make a difference. But in some cases like interface, and some weapons effects... :D
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? No, it's a VAKTOTH!! :D


  • Vaktoth1.jpg
    69.9 KB · Views: 435
Hmm, Lynx, if you will...

NOT make every Kilrathi ship "patched", or better still make both a "patched" and a "non-patched" version. I mean, I am sure that Kilrathis must have had techs to look after their planes.

I mean really. Used and tattered is good, but at this rate, we will be going against a Thrid world fleet, not a Kilrathi fleet.

They are Imprerious, Proud, Conquering. Would THAT race tolerate so many of its ships to be, well, not GLEAMING?

I can imagine the Kilrathi deck XO going ballistic.

I also understand that you can't have the pie whole and eat it too. I mean a lot of people seem to thing that ships are either too polished, or (my view) sometimes patched over so as NOT TO APPEAR to be too polished.

It is a tough call. I think some moderation should be considered at this point. I mean don't make ALL Kilrathis something that came from a third world junkyard. (OK, that is a bit farfetched :)
I read and re-read what I wrote.

It may sound ungrateful. It sure the hell ISN'T!

Dralthi's 4 textures were magnificent. Just don't overdue the patch part.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Do you dislike the dark tech parts on the wings, or the plating lines, or the variations in the color of the textures. IMO the ship looks rather new to me; if you want to see a ship that has a 'used look check the Cutlass, for example. It has more stains and more contrast and such; the Vaktoths texture is rather clean.
"dark tech parts on the wings" that are rectangular. That is what I am talking about.

Variations in color of the textures=excellent.

I mean it is like Vaktoth is flying with someone forgeting to close a trapdoor or a utility hatch or something. Am I the only one who sees a minor blemish in a MAGNIFICENT model?
Well these patches are just for making it look good not fearfull ^_^

Now for real...these patches are mostly in modern SF to make something look in StarWars, Babylon 5...and some others.
Its not there for beeing logical ^_^

But maybe we could make a little vote about that topic....would people more see SF-looking textures or more logic textures.

I would also think that we close the patches even if it looks realy cool.
gevatter Lars said:
Well these patches are just for making it look good not fearfull ^_^

Now for real...these patches are mostly in modern SF to make something look in StarWars, Babylon 5...and some others.
Its not there for beeing logical ^_^

I think it say something abou the state of sci-fi when the consideration is whether something looks cool more than if it makes sense.
Mh since english isn't my nativ language...what is you point Bob?

Are trying to tell me that

a) SF with useless/unlogical details is something bad and you don't like it
b) you want that WCS shouldn't use these patches
c) you want to tell me something completly different from the both things above.
Yes what???
I love these answers...
Äm...Bob could you make your answer a little bit more clearer.
Do you mean with Yes a is what I wanted to say.... OR.... Yes b is what I wanted to say.

So could you give a clear answere...we from WCS just want to make a good mod and your opinion could be helpfull.
He answered this question Kosh-the-Vorlon style :p

Anyway, remember these? They were as annoying as moskitos, and almost as easy to kill. :D


  • Darket1.jpg
    69.5 KB · Views: 388
Oo, oo, nostalgia! *Sniff*
Whoa, I can't wait to see those things up close in the highest resolution available, max AA and max AF! *DROOL*

gevatter: As far as I can interpret it, Bob wants a little less fiction in SF than 'it's not there for being logical' implies. In other words: [Texan] Don't get too carried away now, son. [/Texan]
testing new weapons effects. Here is the meson blaster in action

(on the side note: FS2 engine supports only two primary weapon banks. Due to this limitation I was forced to use 4 instead of two meson blasters. However, we have been able to add third primary weapon bank into the game engine... After an exrended beta test I should be able to report about another great improvements in our latest EXE build :D )
Observation on the "worn" look of the fighters: generally the shields protect the ship from random navigational debris, right? Therefore, until the pilot skims something solid or an inconsiderate punk puts blaster burns on your paint, there would be little to no wear (unlike atmospheric fighters) and the paintjobs would stay almost-new.

About the open paneling on the Vaktoth: I think that the paneling lines already drawn on the armor give it the "sectioned" look excellently, and the appearance of the exposed wiring-type stuff indicates that some damn fool tech left the access hatch off. Perhaps you could use the hatch-open model for a nonstandard Vaktoth... either one with enhanced shielding/electronics or one with a lowered armor value... you'd have to figure out what exactly but I think it would be worth looking into.

Yes, im stoked. Darkets have the highest squishability of any ship Ive fought against in WC, and ive played EVERYTHING sans armada and academy. :) That and said Darket looks beautiful.
Worn look? To which crafts are you referring? I thought most of the craft I painted look rather new(there are a few exceptions, but they're intended).

On a sidenote: This remixed Cobalt60 tracks posted in the news page a few days ago get me in the perfect mood for painting kilrathi textures. The only thing is after listening to these songs for half an hour non-stop, I started to get those visions... :D
Mh Lynx..many people here seams not to like these open parts..could you spare some time to close them and then post a pic here again of the update?

About visions..have ever read Dune (all 6 books) in one row and the next day got your eyes blue in blue ^_^