Not sure why that thread was locked from my scanning of it, but it was before I could reply. I could open it, but meh. I'll lock this one in a hurry too though if things get out of hand.
I'm not surprised at all by the results. Our project has attracted some new members to the boards, and our section of the board usually has a large number of guests browsing it. At the same time, we really haven't gotten as much attention from the long time CIC goers. This could be because we had too many ships available for purchase early on, and weren't all that happy about receiving criticism for it. It could be because they all already have the original and don't feel they need to play a remake. It could simply not be up to their standards

Whatever the reason, long time members (who seem to prefer the other projects) were more likely to vote in a CIC contest.
Less attention from regulars = less votes. We are also new and haven't had time to attract a following. And while it's possible to come up with rationalizations like that, it could simply mean people don't like it

Since my primary target audience is myself, it doesn't bother me.
Lynx said:
Us and Standoff were churning out screenshots like crazy and doing all sorts of PR stunts while the Priv Team didn't, with the proper effort things could've gone different.

There could be some truth for that. We made no PR push. We also aren't really complaining about the result,
though some users might: a distinction that sometimes gets lost.
There are a few points I would like to address from that thread though.
nomad terror said:
Standoff team got their game out of the Vision engine... simply amazing
Saga team got their game out of the Freespace 2 engine... simply amazing
Privateer remake team got their game out of the Vega Strike engine... amazing too but not as much so. The Vega Strike engine was really made for things like this.
Sure Vegastrike is easier to mod. However in using that to say that creating the Remake was therefore easier, you are discounting
actually creating the engine. Vegastrike didn't just appear, ready for people to mod. Hellcat has been working on it for years, and I have tinkered with it for years, ensuring that it contained features needed for the Wing Commander project we knew would someday be started.
Privateer remake is... a remake of Privateer.
Welcome to my life. If things aren't exactly the same, a veritable shitstorm ensues. If I was the paranoid type, I would read something into the many comments made by members of the other team about how we should remain more true to the original. I could decide they were trying to make sure we had nothing new to bring to the table to keep interest low. In reality, they simply wanted it to remain true, which I can understand. Of course, that in turn brings complaints, see quote. (The natural, and correct, counter argument of course is that we should be making something completely original, but that wouldn't be what my target audience wanted

Vegastrike's supposed overcomplexity was also addressed. Removing options is easy. Removing features is easy. The fact that they are there, and more can be added if necessary is what is important. A plethora of config options is what one gets for ensuring it works on a range of hardware and operating systems. And one can always just accept the defaults
LOAF said:
Eh, (open source)'s great for the world and all, but it isn't overly special for Wing Commander
I really find that to be somewhat short sighted, which is surprising coming from someone who has stayed true to WC for so long. Standoff has done great work, and it is amazing what they have done with the Vision engine. But why? The effort spent wrestling with an unfriendly engine could have been spent elsewhere, and IIRC they have said that is what will happen with their next project. (I'll try to dig up the quote if someone calls me on it

) The Vision engine has a limited life, one that is tied to a specific architecture and continuing Microsoft efforts at maintaining backwards compatibility. How will work done on the Vision engine benefit Wing Commander in the future?
I really don't want to sound like I am saying anything bad about Standoff or Saga; in the present their work benefits WC greatly in that it provides us with excellent, playable games (unless you run linux

). As far as creating new games though, work on the Vision engine is a dead end. There is also no gaurantee the Freespace engine will work on whatever platform people are using in the future. There will likely be some other closed source engine that can be used, but the strength of Vegastrike compared to that one knows one can stick with the same engine, that one doesn't have to learn a new engine and new tricks for it because the old one has passed its EOL.
I don't think we can really come to a definitive conclusion on that topic though, see the years of discussions and flames on
OSnews for an example of that LOL