What about Locanda?Originally posted by Dragon
Locanda system,
Won the battle? Hardly, they dealt some damage in return and gave the marines on the planet some chance, but it was a great loss...Confed(and BW) was not ready at that time to srike at the kilrathi, actualy Confed was outgun 3 to 1 and won that battle.
I know what Locanda is and where it's mentioned. The question is, why did you mention it?Originally posted by Dragon
Loconda WC III (sorry I read surender)
They DIDN'T take back anything... the Kilrathi abandoned it, they let them have it.McAlffin(sp) was a vicory to Confed since they manage to take back the planet(It was in kilrathi hands)
I don't think you quite understand. 70% of Confeds fleet was destroyed at McAuliffe, and they still managed to hold on untill they made new ships. If they had the whole fleet, they would have crushed the Kilrathi. The only reason they didn't do so was the stupidity of the Confed government that didn't belive the Kilrathi were a threat.Confed war gearing up to war but they were still a long way from that was only after WC II takes time they manage to hurt real bad the cats war efort.
But than the game would be contradicting with itself... the Border Worlds simply should not have fighters with stats like that, some of them even better than what you find on Confed ships.Originally posted by Napoleon
Earlier you told me on another thread that when we have inconsistancies between the games and the books that we should follow the games. Since this is so, the BW specifically the BWS Intrepid did actually have banshees and vindicators (one of my favorite fighters) and avengers, and these ships were as powerful as they appear to be in the game. I normally tend to agree with what you say but right now you are being both obtuse and especially hipocritical since you are contradicting something you said earlier.
LIFE SUPPORT! Do you seriously think that taking out energy from life support will help your cause?1. Life support
That's an invalid point though. First, the Bearcat is not being massproduced, at least not at the WC4 time. Second, we don't know how many ships Confed and BW are producing at the time.Originally posted by Napoleon
A. They are only mass producing 3 types of fighters (Avenger, Banshee, Vindicator) vs confed's 6 (longbow, hellcat, excalibur, thunderbolt VII, arrow, bearcat) thus their fighters must perform more varried functions that is why for instance the Vindicator has torps, because the BW needs ships truely capable of performing any mission well.
The Excal and T-bolts are fairly new actually... And while money for the Lance has been diverted by the Project, BW never had that much money to begin with.B. Confed has had alot of its R&D money put into the Dragon program (even if most of confed doesnt know it). Thus they have not had all their resources placed on creating new standard fighters.
No offense, but that does not make sense. The number of fighters produced doesn't matter when it comes to the quality of those ships.C. the borderworlds produce a much smaller number of fighters (since they are smaller as a whole), and thus each fighter can have more time and effort put into its construction and R&D.
Can't agree with this either. While less pilots = less fighters, the BW also has less money, and less technology.D. The borderworlds have fewer flyers and thus each one is more important so their fighters must be able to bring their pilots back in one piece as well as must be able to take on many more ships from a threat's arsonal (ie. the Kilrathi during the war or Confed during the BLA).
It wouldn't matter if the best scientists, desingers and whatever, worked for the Border Worlds, if they didn't have the tools. And they wouldn't have technology as advanced as Confed does.Finally E. where does it say anywhere that some smart air craft designers didn't live in the borderworlds, for all we know the best air/space designers live there and when tensions began to increase between the BW and Confed, the designers rose to the occasion,
There would never be any demos....Originally posted by Chip
We could playtest the demo. I'd love to playtest it against you.
You don't need to shut down everything in your fighter to be undetected, especially the life support doesn't get touched.Yes I do. If I'm totally powered down, I'll appear as an asteroid on enemy rada (of course visual sighting would make me look like a fighter unless it was designed to look like an asteroid).